My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Can't exit software search

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    My FVP 4000T is less than a month old and I thought I would look to see whether there is any new software waiting. The box is connected to broadband router via a LAN cable. Following User Guide I selected Home> Settings> System Settings> System Information (software listed as 1.00.73) >Check New Software.

    The message 'Searching for new software ... It may take about 2-3 minutes' appeared at the top alongside a rotating blue triangle and the words NEW SOFTWARE (or was it CHECK NEW SOFTWARE?) in a blue box towards the bottom of the screen.
    This continued unchanged for more than two hours and it did not respond to any remote keys such as OK, EXIT, BACK or even OFF. I don't know whether it would have missed any recordings as none was scheduled at this time. I turned off at the mains switch.

    After waiting a few minutes I turned on again and start behaviour was normal, giving the the default TV channel.

    Q1) Is such open-ended searching a fault? Is there a safer method
    of escaping than switching off? Is '2-3 minutes' the correct figure?
    Q2) By the way, is the device searching for software via the internet or via the broadcast data channels?

    Any help gratefully received. I'm new to all this.

    | Sat 6 Feb 2016 0:20:27 #1 |
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    Welcome to the world of Humax 4000 !! - yes, it seems to be a "feature" that the software search seems to go on forever.

    1.00.73 is the latest version.

    I guess it is searching via the net but not sure.

    | Sat 6 Feb 2016 0:54:48 #2 |
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    Does it to me too! It's BWS time - Big White Switch on wall ...

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 17:55:14 #3 |
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    Thank you giverny and JohnH77 for your helpful replies. I hope that Humax are aware of this issue and that that they will eventually provide a safe shut-down to software search from the remote, together with a time-out after a suitable wait to allow the machine to continue normal operations when unattended.
    Is there any formal method of reporting such issues, or do we rely on the manufacturer to monitor the forum?

    I wonder whether there are any other similar interminable no-go areas in the operating system?

    | Tue 9 Feb 2016 8:45:09 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Ulla-Maija - 38 minutes ago  » 
    Is there any formal method of reporting such issues, or do we rely on the manufacturer to monitor the forum?

    You report it to Humax support. There is no evidence that Humax monitor this Forum.

    | Tue 9 Feb 2016 9:24:07 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle - 5 hours ago  » 

    Ulla-Maija - 38 minutes ago  » 
    Is there any formal method of reporting such issues, or do we rely on the manufacturer to monitor the forum?

    You report it to Humax support. There is no evidence that Humax monitor this Forum.

    I reported it some weeks ago but there's certainly no harm in others doing the same.


    | Tue 9 Feb 2016 14:26:51 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RichardS-UK - 28 minutes ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 5 hours ago  » 

    Ulla-Maija - 38 minutes ago  » 
    Is there any formal method of reporting such issues, or do we rely on the manufacturer to monitor the forum?

    You report it to Humax support. There is no evidence that Humax monitor this Forum.

    I reported it some weeks ago but there's certainly no harm in others doing the same.

    Precisely. My view is that the thing that is most likely to motivate Humax to take action is a problem that is costing them money; either returned boxes or an excessive number of calls to technical support.

    | Tue 9 Feb 2016 14:57:42 #7 |

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