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Can't record same program repeated later in day

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    My wife (NOT ME) watches neighbours (yes we all have a cross to bear). Often Channel 5 is a bit rubbish at sending start and stop signals for when to record.

    On our old 4200 she used to record the early afternoon show and the repeat at 5ish that would usually cover it if one recording messed up.

    On the 4000t if she selects the later show or even one on the Channel 5 plus 1 channel the only option she gets is to cancel the series.

    Is this another bug that needs sorting?

    I can sort of understand it getting confused on the same channel but surely she should be able to record the same program but on plus 1 too?

    | Thu 7 Jan 2016 20:40:47 #1 |
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    I would bet lunch on this being down to Channel 5 using the same CRID on different showings and even different channels.

    | Thu 7 Jan 2016 21:34:14 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    Just checked that out James - correct, nothing unusual for five

    | Thu 7 Jan 2016 21:46:54 #3 |
  4. Stephenesque


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    On my 9200T, to solve the problem of C5 and 5USA recording every episode and repeat of series I watched, rather than use series record I used to select 'One Programme' then edit the schedule to repeat weekly.

    I see that I can do this with the 4000T too, although it doesn't appear to have the 'Weekdays Only' option the 9200T has.

    Another option to get around Channel 5's incompetence would be to set up a backup manual recording every day for 5:30-6:00pm.

    | Thu 7 Jan 2016 22:35:12 #4 |
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    JamesB - 2 hours ago  » 
    I would bet lunch on this being down to Channel 5 using the same CRID on different showings and even different channels.

    When 5 started introducing different series CRIDs for repeats on the different channels they differentiated them by insertion an extra character after the first character on all channels apart from 5. They did this for new series only and did not change series CRID mid-stream.

    For series on 5 the series CRID will usually have 1 less character then on other channels.
    For series on 5+1 the series CRID will usually have a '1' as its second character.
    For series on 5+24 the series CRID will usually have an '8' as its second character.
    For series on 5* the series CRID will usually have a '6' as its second character.
    For series on 5 USA the series CRID will usually have a '7' as its second character.
    Repeats on the same channel will always have the same series CRID as the first broadcast on that channel

    Recently this allocation does not appear to be adhered to. This means that it is no longer long running series of Neighbours (and possibly the news) but other series on 5+1 and 5+24 aren't having the extra character.

    Stephenesque - 1 hour ago  » 
    On my 9200T, to solve the problem of C5 and 5USA recording every episode and repeat of series I watched, rather than use series record I used to select 'One Programme' then edit the schedule to repeat weekly.

    On the next generation of Humax reorders, the HDR-FOX T2 and HD-FOX T2, Humax started to do what some other manufacturers did and keep a record of what had been recorded for a series and ignore subsequent repeats for the series recording schedule if at least part of an episode had been recorded for the series. Youview have gone one better and will normally only add a programme to its list of episodes that have been recorded for a series if the episode has been recorded from the beginning of the episode. At least most of the youview rules are in the Youview technical specification for anyone to see how Youview handles series recording.

    | Fri 8 Jan 2016 0:08:43 #5 |
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    Stephenesque - 8 hours ago  » 
    On my 9200T, to solve the problem of C5 and 5USA recording every episode and repeat of series I watched, rather than use series record I used to select 'One Programme' then edit the schedule to repeat weekly.
    I see that I can do this with the 4000T too, although it doesn't appear to have the 'Weekdays Only' option the 9200T has.
    Another option to get around Channel 5's incompetence would be to set up a backup manual recording every day for 5:30-6:00pm.

    Hi Stephen, that's my whoe point, I can't schedule a back up recording, because every instance of neighbours (channel 5 and plus 1) is treated as the same program.

    The Humax only records one instance of Neighbours per day, but it won't let us record another instance of it on the same day as a backup.

    So, what's changed? Above, people are saying it's Channel 5. But, on our old 9200 we could record the same program twice in a day. So is it 5 or is it Humax?

    | Fri 8 Jan 2016 6:43:12 #6 |
  7. Barry


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    3 Options?

    1. Use auto padding.

    2. Edit series timer to adjust start time and duration.

    3. Belt and braces approach...Cancel current timer then
    a. Schedule a single timer for early evening showing, then edit to a daily repeat.
    b. Set a series timer for the earlier broadcast.

    | Fri 8 Jan 2016 7:49:17 #7 |
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    Or to be completely radical you could simply trust the unit to record it the once. I have to say I have never experienced any issues with C5 recording on either my Humax Freesat Freeview or Panasonic Freeview recorders.

    If it did happen to fail for whatever reason then you/your wife could always watch it On-Demand. Now go on be honest it's really you that watches it isn't it?

    | Fri 8 Jan 2016 8:58:35 #8 |
  9. Stephenesque


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    Harryhornby - 3 hours ago  » 

    Stephenesque - 8 hours ago  » 

    Hi Stephen, that's my whoe point, I can't schedule a back up recording, because every instance of neighbours (channel 5 and plus 1) is treated as the same program.

    It will let you do a completely manual back-up recording from 5:30-6:00pm; I just did it on mine after scheduling a series record for the afternoon show.

    Tune the Humax to C5 then go to Schedule in Recordings and press 'Up' and 'OK' to add a timed schedule and choose your duration and frequency. You will then have two listings for 'Neighbours' in your schedule.

    Of course I don't yet know if both will be recorded, but I will later today

    | Fri 8 Jan 2016 10:06:45 #9 |
  10. Stephenesque


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    Faust - 1 hour ago  » 
    Or to be completely radical you could simply trust the unit to record it the once. I have to say I have never experienced any issues with C5 recording on either my Humax Freesat Freeview or Panasonic Freeview recorders.

    I have noticed that my recent C5 and 5USA recordings have been missing the first couple of minutes of the recordings

    Can you use autopadding or adjust the start time in conjunction with series record? I seem to remember that this wasn't possible with the 9200T.

    | Fri 8 Jan 2016 10:13:39 #10 |

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