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channel 119 ITV HD

(6 posts)
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    Joined: Nov '12
    Posts: 27


    channel 119 ITV HD access to view or will not record
    Done usual switch of at mains and refreshed but can't access iTVHD

    | Thu 31 Mar 2016 21:42:43 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


    special member
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    At a guess you are in one of the locations that has a new ITV HD region.


    Not sure what box you have.

    A Freetime box should have updated yesterday, A Foxsat overnight during housekeeping (Provided you left it in sby). If not in sby and a Foxsat-hdr either put in sby overnight tonight or make a note of your recording schedule (you will need to re-enter) and do a freesat retune.

    | Fri 1 Apr 2016 9:09:13 #2 |
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    Joined: Nov '12
    Posts: 27


    Thanks for the reply.the model is HDR-1000S/101S
    Searched for updates but non available, still can"t view ch 119 ITV HD or record it.
    every thing else seems to be ok

    | Fri 1 Apr 2016 11:38:04 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


    special member
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    westcandace - 16 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks for the reply.the model is HDR-1000S/101S
    Searched for updates but non available, still can"t view ch 119 ITV HD or record it.
    every thing else seems to be ok

    Searching for updates looks for software updates not channel line up changes.

    Interesting do you live in any of the following terrestrial ITV HD areas.

    ITV HD Anglia East, ITV HD Yorkshire West or ITV HD Tyne Tees ?

    You may have to make a note/photograph your recording schedule and do a freesat retune. It should have happened automatically unless there's a Freesat issue (the latter channel is a new transponder to Freesat so may be causing teething problems).

    Do you have a populated epg entry for 119 ?

    | Fri 1 Apr 2016 12:00:45 #4 |
  5. Barry


    senior admin
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    Thread moved to correct area.

    Interesting this, reading DS it would appear a couple of members have had to retune to receive ITV HD Tyne Tees?

    Edit: There would also appear to be a few reporting issue on freesat twitter account.

    | Fri 1 Apr 2016 12:39:45 #5 |
  6. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Joined: Nov '12
    Posts: 27


    channel 119 ITV HD unable to tune into.
    The definitive result is to reset to factory default then the new channel is added to the channel list and is now working fine.

    | Mon 11 Apr 2016 18:12:08 #6 |

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