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Channel Editor Plug-in v0.53

(15 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    REPASSAC - 13 minutes ago  » 

    sloppyjoe - 21 hours ago  » 
    I would like to have some channels on both freesat and non-freesat, and I cannot figure out how to do it !
    Anyone with some ideas ?

    The stream channels are freesat channels and should appear in the channel editor with channel numbers in the 1000 series - they have a hidden attribute which you can change.

    Pretty picture here

    | Fri 22 Jun 2012 15:24:50 #11 |
  2. sloppyjoe


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    REPASSAC - 29 minutes ago  » 

    sloppyjoe - 21 hours ago  » 
    I would like to have some channels on both freesat and non-freesat, and I cannot figure out how to do it !
    Anyone with some ideas ?

    The stream channels are freesat channels and should appear in the channel editor with channel numbers in the 1000 series - they have a hidden attribute which you can change.

    yes I have done that and have a list of some 300 channels. And when I use the channel editor I see some are labled freesat and have a default setting to hide or unhide and also non-freesat, so far so good.

    | Fri 22 Jun 2012 15:41:40 #12 |
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    Hi, where can I download a channel editor for my Humax foxsat tuner please? Also how can I manage my tuner so I can timer record non-freesat channels please? Sorry if these questions have been already asked but any help will be much appreciated.


    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 14:20:24 #13 |
  4. gomezz


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    Raydon's custom firmware allows you to edit the channel list.

    You can set up manual timers from the Schedule by OK'ing the dummy entry at the end of the list.

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 15:07:30 #14 |


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