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Clicking !

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    No, when its just sat there under the TV with the red light on and no programme being recorded. That's what I don't understand!!

    | Fri 8 Nov 2013 17:58:48 #11 |
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    I bought a DTR1000 with this exact fault from ebay as a spares and repair and mounted a new hard drive which I had formatted in my computer and when I switched the box on it did the first time setup and worked as it should I flogged it on ebay and have had no complaints from the buyer after 6 months so the answer must be that you can change the hard drive
    The clicks Definitely were coming from the hard drive and are a common symptom of a failing hard drive, it continued clicking when I connected it to an external USB connector plugged into my computer. I ran Seatools for windows, the seagate download for checking and fixing drives and that drive was susequently mounted in another PVR and is still working

    | Sat 3 May 2014 8:03:50 #12 |
  3. gomezz


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    Did you look at the PSU when you had the box open for repair? Were the caps OK and the voltages within spec?

    (my trial box was having random problems and eventually refused to boot which I suspect was down to the PSU. Now have a BT supplied box which I hope does not go the same way ... or at least waits until the end of the MotoGP season)

    | Mon 5 May 2014 9:43:26 #13 |
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    Hi, Gomezz, if that question was directed at me (mactoshb) I am afraid it is beyond my pay grade, am quite good at taking things to bits and putting back together ,but not into electronics,

    | Mon 5 May 2014 13:08:37 #14 |
  5. gomezz


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    That is Okay. I am hoping to get someone who knows the hot end of a soldering iron from the cold end to replace the caps on my dead box and revive it as a running spare.

    | Mon 5 May 2014 15:09:09 #15 |
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    Hi again, I posted on the site somewhere about someone selling kits to replace the capacitors if you would like the URL let me know and I will dig it out again, someone else was selling a repair service for the PSU on various Humax models and he said that he fitted far superior quality capacitors than the original

    | Mon 5 May 2014 15:26:54 #16 |

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