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Connection Problem 1100s to Pioneer PDP503HDE Plas

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    Evening all, tested my 2nd user 1100S on a DT30 Panasonic & works fantastically streaming no end of movies from QNAP NAS & USB stick, really impressive. The DLNA & QNAP NAS functionally works amazingly well despite what I had read.

    But a problem connecting to the old PDP503HDE. The 1100S has HDMI out to SCART converter ...eeek I know, its rubbish but what we have till the Pioneer dies....nearly 16 years old but refuses to die.

    When the 1100S boots, the HUMAX splash screen shows but then goes to a PAL colour strip test card after this.

    I think the Pioneer cannot handle to output 1080P. So I dropped that to 720P....the Pioneer manual says it can handle up to a giddy 1280x768 pixels. Even when dropped to 720, still I get a PAL color test card and no Freesat screens.

    Struggling to understand settings logic enough to effect the right settings and would greatly appreciate a little guidance to set the 1100S output to match the Pioneer.

    | Wed 11 Nov 2015 22:54:41 #1 |
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    Should of added that there is also the option to have component input and Video S on the media receiver (Pioneer PDP-R03E)

    The on-line manual for the Pioneer Plasma is in this it to death but still not helping:

    Also I just read about this device....maybe it could provide some part of the answer but honestly speaking I'm not sure I'm qualified to decide that...

    Just to show I have tried do my homework .... unsuccessfully so far

    | Wed 11 Nov 2015 23:45:38 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    The HDMI to component converter you link to will only work if it's HDCP compatible. This is most likely why the device you are using does not work.

    This one should work OK

    If your TV is HD Ready it should work with the box set to output 1080i or 720p.

    Also the 1100S has composite video (yellow) and red/white stereo anologue rca audio output sockets. These can be connected to a TV scart socket using a simple adaptor. Of course just like scart it will be SD and of inferior quality to a scart with RGB capability.

    NOTE For audio you will probably need to change the digital audio out setting to stereo to get audio from HD channels.

    | Thu 12 Nov 2015 9:29:42 #3 |
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    Graham hi there and many thanks for the quick reply. Brilliant I had not even thought of checking the RCA fact if I'm honest I had not really noticed they were there....will check first.

    I have a couple of HDFury I & III adaptors which I've used with great success in the past and had just tried these but not had any success so far...feel sure that one of these should work but no joy yet.

    The TV is not HD ready in fact I don't think it's ready for anything .... in it's day it was best of breed....15 years on...a lot less so.

    Not too concerned about the purity of output...SD is fine until it coughs and splutters and then we will make an investment.

    But super stuff, will try the options you mention starting with RCA to at least get a proof of life between the devices.

    Many thanks for taking the time, will let you know how I get on. Cheers

    | Thu 12 Nov 2015 9:39:49 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    atacama40 - 28 minutes ago  » 
    Graham hi there and many thanks for the quick reply. Brilliant I had not even thought of checking the RCA fact if I'm honest I had not really noticed they were there....will check first.
    I have a couple of HDFury I & III adaptors which I've used with great success in the past and had just tried these but not had any success so far...feel sure that one of these should work but no joy yet.
    The TV is not HD ready in fact I don't think it's ready for anything .... in it's day it was best of breed....15 years on...a lot less so.
    Not too concerned about the purity of output...SD is fine until it coughs and splutters and then we will make an investment.
    But super stuff, will try the options you mention starting with RCA to at least get a proof of life between the devices.
    Many thanks for taking the time, will let you know how I get on. Cheers

    You are welcome, I would have expected a HD Fury to work OK, Did you try the 576i output option from the box (leaving the TV to scale to its native resolution) ?

    | Thu 12 Nov 2015 10:09:46 #5 |
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    Hi Graham no I didn't try that. You mena to set 576i on o/p from the 1100s?

    Think what I'm going to do is as follows:

    1. Try the RCA connection as you mentions...just to prove we have a good baseline....still can't believe I didn't see those red white & yellow sockets!!!

    2. Try the 576i solution from the 1100s...if I understood that correctly

    3. Try the HDFury III with a component cable...if I can find the one that came with it....told it should work but less ideal as junior as his gun rack of games consoles running to a high res projector using that.

    Will try these right now as I'm very keep to replicate the success I had streaming movies from my QNAP NAS from the 1100s to the Pioneer. Had read that the DLNA and indeed QNAP NAS's perform poorly with the 1100s but my out of the box experience was that it was absolutely first class.

    Thanks again Graham, will come back to you with results

    | Thu 12 Nov 2015 17:46:44 #6 |
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    Hi Graham, everyone.

    OK strange mixed results as follows:

    1. RCA - odd can't get any signal at all to TV. Maybe I'm missing a menu or option but no output so far.

    2. Sort of a result ... can see an output to VGA using the HDFury III but is not really watchable...but the best result so far. Can see on 576 and 720 but bombed out unsuprisingly at 1080i

    3. HDFury III to component output seen as yet

    I'm not really understanding why no output on RCA connection, as you rightly say when all else fails...yellow, red and white usually save the day.

    | Thu 12 Nov 2015 22:17:56 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    atacama40 - 11 hours ago  » 
    Hi Graham, everyone.
    OK strange mixed results as follows:
    1. RCA - odd can't get any signal at all to TV. Maybe I'm missing a menu or option but no output so far.
    2. Sort of a result ... can see an output to VGA using the HDFury III but is not really watchable...but the best result so far. Can see on 576 and 720 but bombed out unsuprisingly at 1080i
    3. HDFury III to component output seen as yet
    I'm not really understanding why no output on RCA connection, as you rightly say when all else fails...yellow, red and white usually save the day.

    Check the TV scart is set to use composite video (not RGB).

    | Fri 13 Nov 2015 9:40:55 #8 |
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    Hi Graham, everyone. Just to note solutions here if useful to anyone else:

    1. As Graham rightly explained, it will work on composite cables but quality is far from the best.

    2. Tried HDFury converters that we have for various games consoles and projectors.....neither the original HDFury or HDFuryIII worked. As I understand it because the set is 60hz not 50hz.

    3. Tried an HDFury4 Scaler on composite .... not got that work yet but still trying.

    4. HDFury4 Scaler on VGA to Pioneer works perfectly.

    Still trying the composite solution but no joy yet. Maybe useful for other going forward. Cheers

    | Wed 2 Dec 2015 13:21:24 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    atacama40 - 4 minutes ago  » 
    Hi Graham, everyone. Just to note solutions here if useful to anyone else:
    1. As Graham rightly explained, it will work on composite cables but quality is far from the best.
    2. Tried HDFury converters that we have for various games consoles and projectors.....neither the original HDFury or HDFuryIII worked. As I understand it because the set is 60hz not 50hz.
    3. Tried an HDFury4 Scaler on composite .... not got that work yet but still trying.
    4. HDFury4 Scaler on VGA to Pioneer works perfectly.
    Still trying the composite solution but no joy yet. Maybe useful for other going forward. Cheers

    If the display isn't 50Hz compatible, you will only get a picture on a device that outputs 60Hz. Typically laptops, media streamers (like the Amazon Fire Stick and box) and most mobile devices like phones or tablets. A UK PVR will only output at 50Hz. A Blu-ray player will likely work as they are set to output at 60Hz when HDCP confirms no 24P support.

    | Wed 2 Dec 2015 13:30:43 #10 |

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