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Constantly recording

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    I attempted to record all the Olympic programmes and that was fine for a few days. However, I now seem to have one programme that I cannot delete which shows in the list as constantly Recording. However, my programme guide does not show any programmes recording, and ‘Menu’ also does not show anything recording or scheduled to record. However, I cannot delete this ‘stuck’ programme. Installation is greyed out, so I cannot reset my PVR (9300T). Anyone know what to do to ‘unstick’ this programme please?

    | Thu 18 Aug 2016 6:39:45 #1 |
  2. andyfras


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    Have you tried a reboot? If that doesn't work, switch it off at the mains.

    | Thu 18 Aug 2016 7:24:19 #2 |
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    How do you reboot then? I thought you needed to use the Installation menu, but that is greyed out?

    | Thu 18 Aug 2016 7:33:46 #3 |
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    Oh, that's done it! I switched everything off totally and when I switched on again, the dodgy programme that had been perpetually recording showed the 'error' symbol. I could then delete it. Simple really, but it never occurred to me ...many thanks

    | Thu 18 Aug 2016 7:39:47 #4 |
  5. Biggles


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    Taffy - 11 minutes ago  » 
    Oh, that's done it! I switched everything off totally and when I switched on again, the dodgy programme that had been perpetually recording showed the 'error' symbol. I could then delete it. Simple really, but it never occurred to me ...many thanks

    Never good to switch off at the mains before shutting down to standby first but in this case you had no choice. Basically the machine had crashed and needed a reboot, mains OFF, wait a minute then ON again. The same thing has happened a couple of times on my 9200.

    | Thu 18 Aug 2016 7:57:31 #5 |

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