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Copying from the hard drive of a PVR-9300T

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    I have a 9300T and I have a fairly full HDD on which I have lots of stuff I want to keep. I have a box of pre-used HDDs which I guess I can re-format to whatever. My question is that as there is no USB socket on the 9300T, I take it that I have to take out the HDD and connect it to my PC to copy the files. I doubt that there are many HD files that I will need so will I be meeting file size problems. What format should I be using on the new HDD? I would plan to re-insert the original Humax HDD back in the box and delete copied files from there. What advice do you have?


    | Sat 7 Nov 2020 11:38:27 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    HyFy - 16 mins ago  » 
    I have a 9300T and I have a fairly full HDD on which I have lots of stuff I want to keep. I have a box of pre-used HDDs which I guess I can re-format to whatever. My question is that as there is no USB socket on the 9300T, I take it that I have to take out the HDD and connect it to my PC to copy the files.

    Correct and you will need to use software that understands the proprietary file system on the 9300T; I suggest humaxrw is the best choice and there is a graphic front end for it if you don't like command line utilities.

    Are you intending to play the saved files on the PC? If so any file system that the PC understands will be fine (NTFS, FAT32) etc.

    | Sat 7 Nov 2020 12:00:55 #2 |
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    Thanks for that Martin - very prompt!!

    Yes I would be using a PC or an android tablet for playback. Thanks also for the software name. I don't mind command line stuff as I am a Raspberry Pi geek but I can also make use of GUIs!!

    I will get to it.


    | Sat 7 Nov 2020 12:14:10 #3 |

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