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copying recordings off of 9150 and 9200

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    Just wanted to check something..
    I'm going to copy some recordings off of my 2 humax boxes, 1 is a 9150t and the other a 9200t, i'm a techy person, made my own pc and fix other people's etc etc but i Just wanted to check something..

    i have a pc with both sata and ide interfaces, so i'm going to pop out the hard drives from the hummys and attach directly and use either hamaxrw or HummyReadFiles to copy the files off the drives.
    I've seen in many places the warning "DO NOT let windows initialise the disk"
    I'll be using windows 7 32 bit - does this warning refer to where you can manually initialise a disk in the disk management console so therefore DON'T manually do that?
    Does initialising start if you only open the disk management console so therefore DON'T even open the disk management utility<
    Or is it a case that windows will automatically try to initialise the hummy hard drive when it is first plugged in and you must stop it?
    If it's the latter what do you need to look out for to see if windows is doing it automatically and what do you need to do to stop it?

    I only want to copy recordings off so does it matter if i use humaxrw or readhummyfiles?

    Actually i might want to format/disk check the hard drive before popping it back in the hummy - can i just use windows format and disk check and then format it via the humax interface once it's back in the machine - is this ok or worth bothering with?


    | Sun 8 Dec 2013 14:17:03 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    cntbjj - 35 minutes ago  » 
    I've seen in many places the warning "DO NOT let windows initialise the disk"
    I'll be using windows 7 32 bit - does this warning refer to where you can manually initialise a disk in the disk management console so therefore DON'T manually do that?
    Does initialising start if you only open the disk management console so therefore DON'T even open the disk management utility<

    I think that is the case and I think (can't be certain) it will prompt anyway.

    I only want to copy recordings off so does it matter if i use humaxrw or readhummyfiles?

    I would suggest humaxrw because it will definitely work with both the 9200 and 9150.

    Actually i might want to format/disk check the hard drive before popping it back in the hummy - can i just use windows format and disk check and then format it via the humax interface once it's back in the machine - is this ok or worth bothering with?

    Yes that would be worth doing. The thing to check after doing a Windows format is whether any bad blocks are reported. If they are then the disk is probably end of life for a 9200/9150 as the file system has no mechanism to cope with bad blocks. If you want to go the whole hog you could run the disk manufacturers diagnostics and see what they say. I have used Seagate Seatools for DOS (bootable CD) for checking various 9200 disks.

    | Sun 8 Dec 2013 14:59:23 #2 |
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    cheers - thanks for the reply
    any time i've connected hard drives via sata,ide,or my usb to sata/ide adaptor, windows has always detected them and added them to my computer...i've never seen a way to stop that happening
    Perhaps because it won't see a file system it recognises it won't auto initialise it.
    I'll let you know how i get on!!

    won't be for a few days

    | Sun 8 Dec 2013 17:00:21 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Windows won't mount a drive with a Filesystem it doesn't understand. For instance to mount a Linux EXT3 drive you have to install a driver (EXT2FSD). It will recognise the drive is there but won't give it a Drive letter.

    You can see the drive using Control Panel/Hardware and Sound/Adminstrative Tools/Computer Management.

    | Sun 8 Dec 2013 17:10:48 #4 |

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