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Copy/Move recordings to External HDD

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    @GrahamlThompson... Thank you, so if I buy that software, if I understand correctly, It'll allow me to use my mac to transfer files from my FAT32 HDD to the new NTFS HDD?
    At the checkout for that Paragon software, there's a "recommended extension" of an "installation disc", what do you reckon that is and why is it recommended? (I appreciate you might not know the answer but as I'm here I thought I'd ask your opinion).

    @ Luke, wow that does seem to slow the process down, but I guess I could live with it.

    Many thanks to all who have helped greatly.


    | Sun 7 Jul 2019 14:06:29 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    crashcris - 2 hours ago  » 
    so if I buy that software, if I understand correctly, It'll allow me to use my mac to transfer files from my FAT32 HDD to the new NTFS HDD?


    At the checkout for that Paragon software, there's a "recommended extension" of an "installation disc", what do you reckon that is and why is it recommended?

    I don't know for certain but what it usually means is that they will send you a physical copy of the software (CD or memory stick) in case you lose the original download.

    | Sun 7 Jul 2019 17:06:36 #12 |
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    Thanks Martin, that's what I was thinking it probably meant, but it wouldn't hurt the web site from writing a couple of words to explain this. All the best.

    | Sun 7 Jul 2019 17:34:20 #13 |
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    Luke - 6 days ago  » 

    crashcris - 1 hour ago  » 
    I've just tried formatting a memory stick on my Mac and NTFS didn't appear, do you know if ExFAT would also allow unrestricted file size copying? Thanks.

    The formats that the HDR-2000T will recognise are ext3, FAT and NTFS.
    According to the manual NTFS can not be copied to, but in practice it can be, although at even slower rate than FAT32 drives.
    Ext2 will also work and is more suitable for USB sticks than ext3.
    You choice of ext3, FAT32 or NTFS will depend on what additional devices you want to connect the HDD to.
    An alternative would be to FTP the files across to the drive via a computer. The disadvantage of this is that while a USB copy will make decrypted SD copies, and leave the HD recordings encrypted, if FTP is used then both SD and HD will stay encrypted.

    crashcris - 1 hour ago  »  Oh the joys of a Mac. If I get a mate to format it into NTFS on a PC, will it then be able to be read on my Mac or will it only work with a PC?

    Read only unless you add extra drivers/software to the MAC.
    For the HD recordings your question may be irrelevant as they will be encrypted and not be playable on a MAC, linux or windows PC. The HD recordings can only be played the on the very same HDR that recorded them.
    Was the reason you want to connect to your MAC to use the recordings, or was it to make use of any spare space?

    Hi Luke, well, I bought a 2TB WD HDD and it was already formatted in NTFS, however, when plugged into the Humax, nothing appeared. I plugged it into my Macbook and I could see/read it but (as expected) not write to it. It's using a USB3 connection which should be back compatible to USB2. I can't find any reference to which flavour of USB the humax USB port is but I'm pretty sure my external HDDs in FAT32 are USB3s and they work fine (except for the 4Gb restriction) So I'm assuming it's not the USB3 that's the problem.

    I've given the new (NTFS ready formatted) HDD to a mate with a PC and asked him to reformat it in NTFS (just clutching at straws here). Is there anything else I could ask him to do to make this HDD to be written + read by the HUMAX 2000t? (partitions,etc, I don't understand what partitioning a disc means, but am pretty sure it's what was once carried out by a salesman in John Lewis for me when I previously bought an External HDD).

    | Sat 13 Jul 2019 8:41:58 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    crashcris - 1 day ago  » 
    Hi Luke, well, I bought a 2TB WD HDD and it was already formatted in NTFS, however, when plugged into the Humax, nothing appeared. I plugged it into my Macbook and I could see/read it but (as expected) not write to it. It's using a USB3 connection which should be back compatible to USB2.

    Does it have an external power supply? Does the documentation that came with it say how much power it requires?

    I can't find any reference to which flavour of USB the humax USB port is

    The Humax has USB2 ports but as you say USB3 should work but will be only provide the 500mA specified by the USB2 standard rather than the 0.9A of a normal USB3 port.

    | Sun 14 Jul 2019 21:37:19 #15 |
  6. Trev


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    If it's a 2.5" laptop drive it will work just fine when connected to the box's USB 2 port. If its a 3.5" desktop drive it won't work as it needs an external PSU for the 12V supply required by the larger drive.

    | Sun 14 Jul 2019 21:50:44 #16 |
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    Martin Liddle - 12 hours ago  » 

    crashcris - 1 day ago  » 
    Hi Luke, well, I bought a 2TB WD HDD and it was already formatted in NTFS, however, when plugged into the Humax, nothing appeared. I plugged it into my Macbook and I could see/read it but (as expected) not write to it. It's using a USB3 connection which should be back compatible to USB2.

    Does it have an external power supply? Does the documentation that came with it say how much power it requires?

    I can't find any reference to which flavour of USB the humax USB port is

    The Humax has USB2 ports but as you say USB3 should work but will be only provide the 500mA specified by the USB2 standard rather than the 0.9A of a normal USB3 port.

    @Trev and Martin. Thanks for getting back to me. This is the 2TB HDD I bought. It's similar to the 2TB WD HDD I have formatted to FAT32 that works, only it's a lot thinner (about half the thickness), they both are only powered through the USB, no external power line.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 10:27:32 #17 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    crashcris - 1 hour ago  » 
    @Trev and Martin. Thanks for getting back to me. This is the 2TB HDD I bought. It's similar to the 2TB WD HDD I have formatted to FAT32 that works, only it's a lot thinner (about half the thickness), they both are only powered through the USB, no external power line.

    Western Digital seem to be very coy about the power consumption. IF (pure speculation) what is inside is WD Blue PC Mobile hard drive then the specification sheet lists the maximum current requirement as 1A (=-10%) which is more than the Humax can supply but the average power requirement for read/write 1.7W (0.34A) which would be OK. As they market it as USB2.0 compatible I guess it will typically work with a PC but I am not as optimistic as Trev about it definitely working on the Humax. If you can hear or feel it spin up then it is probably suitable and we need to understand what else is causing the problem.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 11:40:36 #18 |
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    Martin Liddle - 1 hour ago  » 

    crashcris - 1 hour ago  » 
    @Trev and Martin. Thanks for getting back to me. This is the 2TB HDD I bought. It's similar to the 2TB WD HDD I have formatted to FAT32 that works, only it's a lot thinner (about half the thickness), they both are only powered through the USB, no external power line.

    Western Digital seem to be very coy about the power consumption. IF (pure speculation) what is inside is WD Blue PC Mobile hard drive then the specification sheet lists the maximum current requirement as 1A (=-10%) which is more than the Humax can supply but the average power requirement for read/write 1.7W (0.34A) which would be OK. As they market it as USB2.0 compatible I guess it will typically work with a PC but I am not as optimistic as Trev about it definitely working on the Humax. If you can hear or feel it spin up then it is probably suitable and we need to understand what else is causing the problem.

    Again, thanks. It's with a mate of mine who's going to reformat in ext3, I'll get it back on weds. I'll let you know then. Cris.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 13:08:07 #19 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    crashcris - 1 hour ago  » 
    It's with a mate of mine who's going to reformat in ext3, I'll get it back on weds. I'll let you know then. Cris.

    Sounds like a good plan to me.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2019 14:20:14 #20 |

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