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Digital content protection (HDCP) error message

(16 posts)
  1. RogerB


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    The YouTube app has been updated again, not sure if any of the other apps have changed, but it was necessary to agree to the terms and conditions again yesterday.

    Not wishing to hijack the thread but I got the "agree to terms and conditions" thing yesterday when I tried to use the BBC iPlayer. No problem today with iPlayer or YT (new version - which now resembles the iPad version). R-

    | Sat 16 Jun 2018 13:51:07 #11 |
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    Harters - 6 hours ago  » 

    PJM -
    Has there been an overnight humax update for example?

    Something has happened as I had to agree to Humax terms and conditions again last night when I went into the hub. Also there was a new 'i'' icon in the apps list along the bottom of the screen which when clicked showed another yes/no option to get full use of Humax interactive services.
    I can't see any difference other than that, so not sure if it has any bearing on your issue.

    Yes me too, noticed the i icon and went through as above. It also wanted me to reboot which I did, I assume some apps wouldn’t have worked if I hadn’t of noticed the icon first.

    I’ve never used remote recording so every box should have had the same I guess.

    | Sat 16 Jun 2018 18:51:29 #12 |
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    AJ - 9 hours ago  » 

    Harters - 6 hours ago  » 

    PJM -
    Has there been an overnight humax update for example?

    Something has happened as I had to agree to Humax terms and conditions again last night when I went into the hub. Also there was a new 'i'' icon in the apps list along the bottom of the screen which when clicked showed another yes/no option to get full use of Humax interactive services.
    I can't see any difference other than that, so not sure if it has any bearing on your issue.

    Yes me too, noticed the i icon and went through as above. It also wanted me to reboot which I did, I assume some apps wouldn’t have worked if I hadn’t of noticed the icon first.
    I’ve never used remote recording so every box should have had the same I guess.

    Yes, I forgot the bit about rebooting. To be safe I pulled the plug for a few seconds just in case. I havent used remote recording either.

    | Sun 17 Jun 2018 4:09:14 #13 |
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    I don’t wish to jinx it, but this is the fifth day that I have had channel logos working, without removing cookies or reboots being made to force them.

    This is the longest I’ve had them since getting the box in December! This is good!!

    | Wed 20 Jun 2018 18:01:29 #14 |
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    AJ - 4 hours ago  » 
    I don’t wish to jinx it, but this is the fifth day that I have had channel logos working, without removing cookies or reboots being made to force them.
    This is the longest I’ve had them since getting the box in December! This is good!!

    I had to clear my cookies tonight. Had the logos for about 3 days on the trot.... fluke I think

    | Wed 20 Jun 2018 22:08:47 #15 |
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    Update- bought a splitter and it solved the problem. I noticed the splitter was getting fairly hot after an hour or so of use yesterday. On a whim this morning I tried without it and there was no error message and no problems.

    | Fri 22 Jun 2018 10:02:25 #16 |

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