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Digital surround sound

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    Can anyone confirm if the DTR-T1000 Youview box can output the full surround sound signal through it's optical SPDIF?

    I have a HD Projector through HDMI and separate 7.1 surround amp which has optical and coaxial inputs but no HDMI input and cannot get anything other than Digital Stereo through it. I want to confirm if this possible because it is with all my other devices e.g. BluRay, & streamer etc.

    | Wed 1 Aug 2012 12:10:04 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    The DTR-T1000 does not currently support digital surround sound at all.

    | Wed 1 Aug 2012 12:11:12 #2 |
  3. myhumax


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    A very odd box! 1080p only but no surround sound?

    If they expect their market to have the latest output device, then they should provide surround. Otherwise allow screen output at other resolutions and not force everyone to update their TV!

    | Wed 1 Aug 2012 12:34:07 #3 |
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    It says it does in the specifications, it lists Dolby Digital Plus which is the newest full surround spec so is this something you have confirmed with Humax or are you just having the same sort of issues has me?

    | Wed 1 Aug 2012 12:36:01 #4 |
  5. gomezz


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    It is an issue that has been taken on board by Humax / Youview. We could infer that the Youview team at Humax don't talk much to their Fox T2 team which sorted out the same problem with that model a long time ago (or was it never a problem in the first place for them as it was for other makes?).

    | Wed 1 Aug 2012 13:59:52 #5 |
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    I've spoken to Humax by telephone and the agent first said that it should work ok and then later was unsure and said he would need to confirm if it should be working now or will in a software update etc. He took my number and said he would call me back with more info so I wait with baited breath.

    If they can't or won't fix this then it will have to go back which is a shame as I like the box so far even with some of the other quirks it has. Mind you after living with a pile of rubbish from Thomson for 6 months maybe any other box would seem good lol

    | Wed 1 Aug 2012 14:33:25 #6 |
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    I've just had a voicemail from Humax confirming that multichannel sound is not working from either the HDMI or SPDIF at this time. They said that YouView are working on this but they don't have any further information at this time. They suggested that I contact YouView for more info. Now given that it is listed in the specs they better had get it working otherwise it is not fit for purpose

    | Wed 1 Aug 2012 17:13:15 #7 |


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    I also suggest that you conatct YouView - they control the UI to this aspect

    | Wed 1 Aug 2012 18:50:45 #8 |
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    Having finally got a call back from YouView, they also confirm that this is not working. They basically said that they removed this due to incompatibilities with some surround systems and will probably release this again in a near future update maybe at the end of this month. I said that I was very unhappy because this is a major feature of an HD box and that it was even printed on the box etc. I also said that it felt like they had released a beta product to market as I was asked several times the previous day if I was part of the trial. He said that although trials were still on going that this product was ready for market and that these trials were part of an improvement programme. I said that it clearly isn't ready for market when a major feature which they list in the specs and on the box does not work. He agreed on this and apologised. I said that I was thinking of returning the box as I have paid a premium for something that doesn't do what it says on the tin so to speak, he agreed but of course had to toe the company line saying that this had to be my choice.

    Given his comments were all probably and maybe's, I think I will take it back and continue to use my pile of Thomson rubbish until this issue is fixed. Who knows it might even be cheaper by then or another box like Freesat G2's might be out etc.

    | Fri 3 Aug 2012 10:14:40 #9 |
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    Just done a post on this as a new member. I have connected to Yamaha ysp2200 and surround sound light doesnt illuminate.Its unfair and illegal to promote a feature a product doesnt fulfil and I feel I have overspent on the Yamaha when I dont get the advertised benefots.Except when I use my Blueray.Now THAT is what you would call surround sound

    | Sat 4 Aug 2012 11:23:19 #10 |

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