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Disastrous bug - ITV1 HD not showing in search

(26 posts)
  1. musictechguy


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 25


    Select Find -> Genre -> Movie

    If a film is shown for ITV1, you can only record the SD version. It does not present you with an HD option. The BBC version does.

    It used to be the case that ITV1 and ITV1 HD were displayed as 2 different channels. But this has now disappeared, and only a single ITV is presented (The SD channel).

    You have to exit the search and find it in the guide. This is disastrous, if like me, you like to browse through the films and select those you'd like to record.

    | Tue 27 Aug 2013 19:37:51 #1 |
  2. brian


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    This is not a disastrous bug, if it is even a bug. ITV1 and ITV1 HD do not exist any more, the 1 has been removed from them. If it is as you say, then perhaps it is a very minor inconvenience.

    | Tue 27 Aug 2013 21:35:32 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    "Loss of minor functionality deprecated"?

    | Tue 27 Aug 2013 22:16:38 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    There is no bug, at least on my box. Previously ITV1-HD and ITV1 were different channels. The HD channel could only show real HD content.Like the BBC ITV have created a single channel ITV available in HD or SD. Some content on the HD channel may be upscaled but otherwise the programme content is identical, as a result the epg for ITV, either in HD or SD is the same.

    Bring up the epg and search for "The Bo". You should find a entry for "The Boat That Rocked" 22:45 on Friday 30/8/2013 on lcn 3 (SD) and 103(HD). Where is the problem ?

    If you select an entry from lcn 3 to record you should be presented with the option to record the HD version from lcn 103.

    Where did disastrous come from ? Not sure what you expected should happen unless your box delivers something different from mine (a tad confused).

    If you don't get the same results please post again and explain why the somewhat dramatic "Disastrous" was used.

    | Tue 27 Aug 2013 22:54:34 #4 |
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    Hi Disastrous,

    I've just realised that someone's stolen the 1 from ITV; however the world's not going to end, not just yet anyway, I've never used the find/genre/movie (or at least I can't remember ever using it).

    I'm in the Manchester area and when using find/genre/film I get two entries, one ITV and one ITV HD, beside each other.
    I couldn't actually find anything I wanted to record, but for testing purposes I could highlight either and record either.

    One thing that I did notice was the ITV +1 etc. and these obviously won't have a HD option at the same time.

    Also my normal guide/epg doesn't show any HD-> icons for any programme when trawling though ITV whereas bbc one and two does. This is also the case for channel 4.
    As a result of not having the HD-> icon on lcn 3 and 4 I don't get asked the option to record the alternative HD programme on 103/104

    I'm guessing there are some regional variations with epg.

    To be honest though I've never noticed, just had to take a look and check it wasn't 1st April as your post brought a smile to my face.
    I've almost gone back 30 years to when tv's had 4 buttons and I tend to stick to 101-104 (just don't want to watch SD anymore) mainly logical channel number lcn 104 and 102. Can't wait for the other bbc HD channels to come on line though, it's a pity C5 aren't joining the party anytime soon.

    | Wed 28 Aug 2013 0:34:53 #5 |
  6. brian


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    I'm glad to see that the thread title has been de-capitalised.

    | Wed 28 Aug 2013 6:23:48 #6 |
  7. musictechguy


    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 25


    This fiasco continues. Humax obviously don't test genre -> find -> movie. Not so much a premium product, but an inferiorly coded and tested, sloppily released, badly supported product IMO.

    | Wed 28 Aug 2013 10:45:52 #7 |
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    find -> genre -> movie

    works fine for me in my area, shows ITV and ITV HD beside each other, although there aren't many films.

    Which area are you in? i.e. who provides the local itv news.
    If other people can confirm the fiasco then it's probaly down to local epg. If not then it'd be worthwhile checking for latest firmware and/or rebooting the box

    | Wed 28 Aug 2013 11:07:59 #8 |
  9. Wallace


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    musictechguy - 1 hour ago  » 
    This fiasco continues. Humax obviously don't test genre -> find -> movie. Not so much a premium product, but an inferiorly coded and tested, sloppily released, badly supported product IMO.

    I am sure the 'perfect bug free' PVR is out there somewhere waiting for you to find.

    Please let me know when you do. I won't hold my breath.

    | Wed 28 Aug 2013 11:50:26 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    musictechguy - 1 hour ago  » 
    This fiasco continues. Humax obviously don't test genre -> find -> movie. Not so much a premium product, but an inferiorly coded and tested, sloppily released, badly supported product IMO.

    The genre classification of programmes/channels is down to the broadcasters. If the info isn't there no Freesat box can possibly find information that's not there.

    Classic GIGO situation.

    ITV HD appear to classify films as entertainment. Check 119 22:35 Thursday 29th August.

    Instead of posting highly inaccurate information I suggest you complain to the broadcasters and Freesat.

    Your posting name is highly misleading, you clearly no little about technology.

    | Wed 28 Aug 2013 12:06:10 #10 |

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