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Display Settings on 5000t

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    root45 - 20 hours ago  » 
    If I am watching, say, Yesterday Channel, which broadcasts many 4:3 programmes, my old 2000T would automatically change the display setting to "letterbox", thereby displaying the programme correctly.

    On the HDR-2000T the "letterbox" settings were for 4:3 TVs. Out of the box and after a Default Settings the HDR-2000T defaults to 4:3 (Auto) mode and would need to be manually set back to 16:9 if using a 16:9 TV.

    root45 - 21 hours ago  » 
    Another oddity is that if I access the menu when watching a "stretched" programme, the menu will be displayed stretched with the left and right sides of the picture off the sides of the screen!

    That can happen if your TV is set up to try and compensate for a recorder treating as though it is a 4:3 TV when it is really a 16:9 TV.

    You may need to adjust the settings on your TV so that any comparison with someone else's machine is meaningful. If it is setup to best compensate for a recorder that thinks it is connected to a 4:3 TV when it is in fact a 16:9 TV then you may not find many who have a similar setup.

    If you post what the settings for "Video Settings" are on the FVP and also for the HDMI input you are using on your TV then that would help for a meaningful comparison.

    | Fri 15 Dec 2017 21:09:38 #11 |

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