My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

does not pause or record

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    Thanks for letting me join the forum.
    My Humax HDR 1000S will not pause or record. I replaced the hard drive and set to factory default but it still does not pause or record. Is there another component that could be defective? Any suggestions?

    | Wed 3 Feb 2021 16:12:48 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Farinton - 55 mins ago  » 
    Thanks for letting me join the forum.
    My Humax HDR 1000S will not pause or record. I replaced the hard drive and set to factory default but it still does not pause or record. Is there another component that could be defective?

    Sounds like a well know problem that has been reported many times for the HDR-1000S which is reportedly due to a component on the mother board going out of spec. As nobody here has identified the component the only options are to scrap the box or send it off to a company called Digirepairs in Northern Ireland. See be aware that there was a recent report that a box they had repaired did work for a year but the fault reappeared shortly afterwards.

    | Wed 3 Feb 2021 17:12:04 #2 |

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