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Downloading from Humax Aura

(5 posts)
  1. GordyBoy


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    Posts: 78


    I have three episodes of "The Thames with Tony Robinson" recorded on 7th, 13th and 20th January from Channel 5.

    All episodes are close to being 1 hour long but the first, downloaded from the WebControlIF is 573MB, the second downloaded from my FVP 4000t is 1.23GB and the third downloaded via the Aura App is 0.98GB.

    This leads me to ask have Humax done something to increase the quality of the downloads?

    The third episode was certainly slower in acquiring, after converting using the App I downloaded via WebControlIF because I wanted to move the file elsewhere.

    | Thu 21 Jan 2021 14:17:47 #1 |
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    GordyBoy - 4 hours ago  » 
    ... from Channel 5.

    Channel 5 or Channel 5 HD? I'm guessing it is as you said and is Channel 5.

    The FVP-4000T includes superfluous detail in its recordings and for Channel 5 this is typically an extra 20%. This means that if the Aura isn't adding the extra detail in its recording, or the download is stripping it out but leaving other detail the same, then the size of the 2nd and 3rd episodes are comparable. 1.00 GB for a 60 minute programme on Channel 5 (SD) without including the redundant data sounds about right for a raw recording.

    If you use a media file inspector like MediaInfo what detail does it give?

    | Thu 21 Jan 2021 19:12:21 #2 |
  3. GordyBoy


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    1. From Aura via WebControlIF Channel 5 HD
    2. From FVP 4000t via Samba Channel 5 SD
    3. From Aura via Aura App then downloaded to PC via WebControlIF Channel 5 HD

    | Fri 22 Jan 2021 12:17:32 #3 |
  4. GordyBoy


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    File properties here.

    | Fri 22 Jan 2021 12:22:06 #4 |
  5. GordyBoy


    senior member
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    Posts: 78


    Or even here if I can get the file size right.


    1. Screenshot_(888).jpg (66.2 KB, 10 downloads) 3 years old
    | Fri 22 Jan 2021 12:28:01 #5 |

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