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Downloading FVP-4000t content

(2 posts)
  1. GordyBoy


    senior member
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    Posts: 78


    Is there a better way to download my FVP-4000t recordings to my PC or Tablet other than the outdated Humax Media Player App?

    | Sat 2 Jan 2021 22:42:10 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    GordyBoy - 1 hour ago  » 
    Is there a better way to download my FVP-4000t recordings to my PC or Tablet other than the outdated Humax Media Player App?

    The Humax Media Player app won't, as far as I know, work with the FVP-4000T; it will only work with the much earlier PVT 9200T. The main issue that you have to overcome is that all recordings are encrypted and will not play on any other device until the encryption is removed. If you have SD recordings then you can copy them to an attached USB drive and they will be decrypted see Alternatively you can use the DLNA server on the FVP-4000T to decrypt SD recordings see or you can use VLC to do something similar.

    | Sun 3 Jan 2021 0:36:05 #2 |

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