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DTR-T1000 Issues

(24 posts)
  1. gomezz


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    And my Foxsat HDR has worked fine (ITV Accurate Recording in the early days apart) since 2010.

    | Thu 22 Jan 2015 11:23:35 #21 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MontysEvilTwin over at did some interesting work on the DTR-T1000 problems. He found that the power supply is the same as that used in the late production HDR-FOX T2 models with the revised tuner arrangement. He used the power supply from a DTR-T1000 (with the stuck in nearly ready problem) in an HDR-FOX T2 and it worked fine in an extended test. There certainly are not many reports of power supply problems for the HDR-FOX T2 and I do tend to agree that the suggestion that all the DTR-T1000 problems are power supply related are unlikely to be correct.

    | Thu 22 Jan 2015 11:35:48 #22 |
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    My opinion - the guy I quoted was just trying to build a case for why Humax should give him another free YouView box, if his first one ever failed. He probably did exactly the same when his FoxSat failed post-guarantee. No evidence as to whether either box did or did not have a capacitor problem. It was just a ploy.

    It's unfortunate that the Sale of Goods Act is so complicated, and enforcing it is so tricky. He probably could have got a repair of the FoxSat via the retailer if he'd gone down that route.

    | Thu 22 Jan 2015 11:51:08 #23 |
  4. gomezz


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    Unless the T2 design is more robust in the face of out of spec DC delivery?

    | Thu 22 Jan 2015 11:52:27 #23 |

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