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DTR-T2000 (Youview) vs. FVP-4000T (FV Playback)?

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    Sorry,I should have said that the dongle is required if you can't physically attach the HDR2000t to a modem via a cable. It has no wifi capabilities without a dongle. The nowtv boxes do youtube, vimeo, ted talks and all the 5 terrestrial channels' catch-up, plus if you pay £7 per month you get most of the sky channels and catch-up too (here endeth the nowtv advert.)

    To the best of my knowledge, none of the PVRs enable you to record catch-up (that's not really the point of catch-up).

    Did you do as I suggested and read the 1 star reviews/ latest reviews? Does it give you the impression that the fvp4000 is likely to be improved?

    All the best.

    | Mon 31 Oct 2016 12:34:35 #11 |
  2. Barry


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    Having just read the first 10 1 star reviews for the 500GB Mocha unit on Amazon I would not waste my time.

    Info is incorrect/misleading for the majority - obvious user error, and subsequent updates have changed some parts of UI.

    | Mon 31 Oct 2016 12:49:32 #12 |
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    crashcris - 48 minutes ago  » Sorry,I should have said that the dongle is required if you can't physically attach the HDR2000t to a modem via a cable. It has no wifi capabilities without a dongle.

    Ah thanks Crashcris. That makes much more sense.

    crashcris - 48 minutes ago  » The nowtv boxes do youtube, vimeo, ted talks and all the 5 terrestrial channels' catch-up

    I'd forgotten about Now TV has Ted Talks too. Thanks. I've got a Now TV box but haven't plugged it in since I got Youview 2 years ago.

    crashcris - 48 minutes ago  » 
    To the best of my knowledge, none of the PVRs enable you to record catch-up (that's not really the point of catch-up).

    I thought that so it's odd to mention it as a Youview negative when no PVR can record Catch-up anyway.

    | Mon 31 Oct 2016 13:29:08 #13 |
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    Barry - 39 minutes ago  » 
    Having just read the first 10 1 star reviews for the 500GB Mocha unit on Amazon I would not waste my time.
    Info is incorrect/misleading for the majority - obvious user error, and subsequent updates have changed some parts of UI.

    That's why I'm reluctant to check. It still has merit though.

    | Mon 31 Oct 2016 13:29:56 #14 |
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    Sorry Barry, the latest 7 single star reviews (since the 13 july 2016 update) continue to cite slow response/ frustrating remote/ lack of dedicated buttons/ lost recordings/ reboot problems/ frozen machine...

    I'd actually love Bradavon to buy the box and fully report what he finds, perhaps these other people have just been unlucky. Personally I never bought one so cannot attest to its usability, I bought two HDR2000t and I love them, not one of the issues above affect my machines. The picture is spot on and the recordings stable. Of course I've only had them for 2 weeks and who knows if they'll develop any bugs in time?

    | Mon 31 Oct 2016 13:35:51 #15 |

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