My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

End of the road?

(7 posts)
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    Joined: Feb '13
    Posts: 13


    I've kept my ageing 9200T despite buying a Youview box a year ago, simply so I can download films for my video library, but recently the 9200T had started playing up. It began with just a "Please, wait..." message which stayed on the screen forever when coming out of stand-by.
    The hard disc was reformatted, a factory reset preformed, etc., but it kept having problems, with various hard disc errors being reported. So I bought another new hard disc, exactly the same type (Seagate, 160Gb, IDE, ACE) and after fitting it, doing the format, reset, channel seek, etc., it worked for two recordings and then started returning the same "Hard Disc Error".
    Is there anything else I can do to sort it out, before I chuck it in the skip?

    | Fri 2 May 2014 20:17:33 #1 |
  2. FenderBender


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 981


    The hard drive for the 9200T is extremely difficult to source as Seagate do not make the 160GB IDE ACE model any more.

    Where did you get your HDD from and was it new or reconditioned?

    | Sun 4 May 2014 10:06:36 #2 |
  3. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    You could run Seatools on the disc in a PC( to check it's health.

    It could be that the fault is with the controller or the PSU.

    Even if it fails you can still sell the 9200 for 'Spares or repair', it may help someone else out, rather than adding to landfill.

    | Sun 4 May 2014 12:09:14 #3 |
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    Posts: 13


    Thanks for the replies. FenderBender, the disc was purchased from Amazon:
    I thought it was new, but apparently the item is not new according to some of the reviewers; so that may be a good reason. However a few of the reviewers on the page say that they replaced the drive on their Humax 9200T PVRs and they now work perfectly. Sounds like the luck of the draw maybe! Do you have any suggestions as to a replacement then? Should I try a SATA drive with a converter for the data bus?
    Aldaweb, I'll run a check on the new hard disc to see if it has any faults, but it worked fine for several recordings and then started producing the previously mentioned error; but worth checking anyway.
    And for the record, I usually put anything worth having on Freecycle so it doesn't end up in landfill; "chucking it in the skip" was just a figure of speech meaning "get rid of it".

    | Sun 4 May 2014 20:04:19 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    john080347 - 15 hours ago  » 
    FenderBender, the disc was purchased from Amazon:

    Ring up Amazon customer services and explain the situation. I would be pretty confident they will arrange for another drive to be sent. As you say with old drives it is luck of the draw so just keep persisting until they send you one that works properly.

    | Mon 5 May 2014 11:52:34 #5 |
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    Posts: 13


    Thanks guys, all good advice. I've run the Seatools diagnostics recommended by Aldaweb and sure enough, it's returned a FAIL on the Long Generic test: "Bad LBA 1876320 Unable to repair".
    And it does appear to be a second-hand drive, with scratches on the top and scuffs on the label, so I think I have a good case.

    | Mon 5 May 2014 12:59:33 #6 |
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    Joined: Feb '13
    Posts: 13


    The faulty disc has now been returned for a refund, but that still leaves me without a hard disc for the 9200T. As FenderBender said, the 160Gb IDE disc is not made any more; so can you recommend a suitable replacement disc (SATA with converter I imagine)? I seem to remember that a Seagate 1Tb Barracuda SATA disc has been successfully fitted by some owners, but not sure.
    If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated.

    | Tue 6 May 2014 16:25:34 #7 |

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