Hi, a bit of a silly problem but the EPG and info panels of our 9300T are all slightly zoomed in, so the sides are off the side of the screen, and I can't work out how to return it back to normal. Apparently my wife "sat on the control" a couple of days ago and we can't work out what key combo she hit. I also did a re-tune on Thursday, but I'm pretty sure nothing happened after that and it's unrelated.
At the moment if I pull up the EPG I get 'BC ONE' rather than 'BBC ONE' as the first 'B' is off the left side of the screen. I'm sure I've fixed this before, but I can't find anything in the menus to help, and none of the buttons I've pressed either in the EPG or other info panels has helped.
Thanks for any pointers! I feel a bit of a prat having to ask for help on this