My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

EPG Recording - no series record

(12 posts)
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    In this situation (selecting from the EPG), the record button schedules a one off record for the highlighted program.

    | Sun 3 Jan 2016 11:46:33 #11 |
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    special member
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    giverny - 5 hours ago  » 
    In this situation (selecting from the EPG), the record button schedules a one off record for the highlighted program.

    but not on 9300T which you were refferring to.

    To compare with your previous Humax you need to compare what happens when you press the OK button on the 9300T with the selction options from the FVP-4000T.

    If you after just a 1 off recording then the FVP-4000T comes off best as only 1 button press is needed to record the highlighted programme fron the epg.

    | Sun 3 Jan 2016 17:50:54 #12 |

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