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External drive problems

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    Joined: Jul '16
    Posts: 33


    On my old FTV5000 I had an external drive attached which I used to move longer recordings like films to, and watch later. I could select it on the 'recordings' screen under 'storage'.
    I've now got an Aura, and am trying to create the same set-up. The drive is a WD Passport 1Tb, and it seems to work fine and can be formatted on a Mac laptop, passing First Aid, and getting formatted either as exFAT or NTFS (using Tuxera).
    But whichever way I format it, it won't show up on the recordings screen, and there is no option to MOVE or COPY a recording anyway (as there was on the FTV). Is the latter because there is no drive seen to copy/move to? Or is this not something the Aura can do?
    [I've also tried formatting directly from the Aura - this takes a few minutes and then the screen goes dim and the Aura becomes unresponsive, then restarts - with still no external drive showing up].

    | Fri 15 Nov 2024 14:23:39 #1 |
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    The short answer is that I don't think the Aura can do what you want to do. The longer answer ..
    As far as I can work out, you need to install a file management app to be able to access a usb drive. I wouldn't bother, the access is read-only. In theory you can play items that you have put on the drive from another source. You need to install a video player app to achieve that. (I use VLC, but it doesn't behave well).

    If you want to save recordings, SD ones can be FTP'd from a pc on the same network - so far I've only managed that via LAN and not WiFi. And the connection can be temperamental! I suppose you could then put them on your usb disk from the pc, move the usb drive to the Aura and play there. You cannot get them to appear in "recordings" like you can on the 5000T.

    Fwiw - if you FTP a recording from the Aura and delete the original then, providing you haven't changed the file, you can upload it to a special area (can't remember exact location) on the Humax which will restore it to the "recordings" list.

    | Fri 15 Nov 2024 15:35:01 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    rikki - 1 hour ago  » 
    I've now got an Aura, and am trying to create the same set-up. The drive is a WD Passport 1Tb, and it seems to work fine and can be formatted on a Mac laptop, passing First Aid, and getting formatted either as exFAT or NTFS (using Tuxera).

    One way of doing it is to use FTP. Make sure the FTP server is turned on in the Aura settings. On a Windows 11 laptop I use Filezilla. Connect the drive to the computer, open Filezilla set up the profile for the Aura with the Site manager in Filezilla, General tab, Mine is :
    Protocol: FTP
    Host IP address of the Aura Port: 2323
    Encryption: only use plain FTP
    Logon type: normal
    User: aura
    Password: the Aura PIN

    In Filezilla advanced tab
    Set the local default directory to be the desired location on the USB drive.

    Press the Connect button. You should see a number of directories on the Aura. Select the Recordings directory and then you can choose to see the content ordered by Series, Channel or Time. Double click on the recording to download and it should start downloading. On my network with the Aura connected via Powerline adapters the transfer rate is only about 1MB/s although I think I have seen significantly faster transfers when it is connected directly to the network without the Powerline adapters. Hope that helps.

    | Fri 15 Nov 2024 16:13:14 #3 |

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