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External hard Drive

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    Joined: Oct '21
    Posts: 23


    Hi, new on here.
    Just got my new aura ( upgraded from my Humax T2 which was failing after long service!)
    I’ve been storing programmes on an external hard drive from the T2 but the Aura won’t recognise them and seems to want to reformat it!
    Is there a way of using them before my missus kills me for loosing all her rubbish Tv she’s kept?

    | Thu 7 Oct 2021 11:55:39 #1 |
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    Tigerfan11 - 32 mins ago  » 
    I’ve been storing programmes on an external hard drive from the T2 but the Aura won’t recognise them and seems to want to reformat it!

    From that it sounds as though the immediate issue is that the Aura does not recognise the format of the hard drive, and not that it is not recognising the recordings.

    First of all you need to sort out why the Aura is not recognising the drive as already being formatted to a format it is happy with.

    What format is the external hard drive?
    How did you format it?

    Once you have sorted out the drive format not being recognised there may be additional issues concerning the recordings themselves.
    What method did you use to store the programmes from the T2 to the external hard drive? All recordings, including non-HD are initially encrypted by the T2. Depending on your technic to move them off the T2 they may still all be encrypted and may not play on the Aura.

    One alternative is to fix the HDR-FOX T2. Another is to decrypt the recordings on the HDD of T2 and recopy. If you think the latter is really worth it the have a look at the details on

    | Thu 7 Oct 2021 12:21:58 #2 |
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    From my failing memory I think I formatted it FAT32 and used the T2 menu ( blue button) to copy over to ext hard drive.
    From my memory with computers the drives needed mounting, not sure if it works the same way and how I do it?

    | Thu 7 Oct 2021 12:28:06 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Tigerfan11 - 1 hour ago  » 
    From my failing memory I think I formatted it FAT32 and used the T2 menu ( blue button) to copy over to ext hard drive.

    That will give you decrypted SD recordings on the external drive but HD recordings will remain encrypted.

    | Thu 7 Oct 2021 13:31:37 #4 |
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    Joined: Oct '21
    Posts: 23


    Thanks all, sorted! Apparently I needed VLC player so installed and works fine! It doesn’t seem to like the ones in folders ( from series record) so I’ll reconnect to old T2 & drag and drop them outside the folders

    | Thu 7 Oct 2021 16:24:07 #5 |

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