My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

External HDD Recordings Not recognised

(5 posts)
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    Not sure what has happened.

    - Recordings tells me that I have no recordings. Looking at drive on a PC I do.
    - Humax recognises music on the HDD (In a seperate partittion volume.
    - THe option to test the drive and / or to select the drive for recording appears to have vanished since last update.
    - Disk is working fine. I have copied it all to another new one, but it does not see any recording.
    Seems this all happened after an update. Can I revert to an older version?

    Idris Dragon

    | Sat 24 Sep 2016 7:25:38 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Do you have a HB1000S ? This thread is for the twin tuner models that record to an internal hard disk (HDR models).

    | Sat 24 Sep 2016 8:19:06 #2 |
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    the info screen on the unit says HDR 1000/1010s

    It doesn;t have an internal drive.

    I only repeated what the useless software tells me the unit is.

    Well fobbed off.

    | Mon 26 Sep 2016 8:58:11 #3 |
  4. Admin


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    idris I note you have joined with another username, forget the original password?

    | Mon 26 Sep 2016 9:27:00 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    idris.dragon - 29 minutes ago  » 
    the info screen on the unit says HDR 1000/1010s
    It doesn;t have an internal drive.
    I only repeated what the useless software tells me the unit is.
    Well fobbed off.

    The HDR 1000S certainly does have an internal HDD, or it should have.

    It would appear on the face of it you are suffering from the HDD not recognised on boot problem (missing recordings) which is often reported on this forum.

    We await news on whether the engineers have managed to fix the issue, and what the fix entails.

    | Mon 26 Sep 2016 9:30:23 #5 |

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