My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S

Misc info (was FAQ) - HB 1000S

(50 posts)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
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    Posts: 11,074


    FAQ's now copied to our dedicated FAQ section see This Link continue to use this thread if you have any questions that need answering

    Q. Is unit PVR ready?

    A. Yes - I have tried/tested the following:

    Portable (USB powered)

    250GB - Seagate Freeagent
    320GB - Old lappy HDD in encl
    1TB - WD MyPassport USB 3.0
    500GB - Seagate Slim


    500GB - WD MyBook
    1TB - WD Elements
    2TB - WD Elelments
    3TB - WD Elelments (currently on long term test)


    64GB CnMemory
    128GB SanDisk

    Both did not work.

    Q. Is unit WiFi ready?

    a. Yes - Working fine with Humax dongle.

    | Fri 13 Sep 2013 10:30:00 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Q Is unit at launch DLNA Client and Server or just client, if client only is it expected to ultimately get Server capability ?

    | Fri 13 Sep 2013 10:52:43 #2 |
  3. Barry


    senior admin
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    grahamlthompson - 4 hours ago  » 
    Q Is unit at launch DLNA Client and Server or just client, if client only is it expected to ultimately get Server capability ?

    A. Client only at launch, no plans for server capability.

    | Fri 13 Sep 2013 15:06:46 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Barry - 10 minutes ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 4 hours ago  » 
    Q Is unit at launch DLNA Client and Server or just client, if client only is it expected to ultimately get Server capability ?

    A. Client only at launch, no plans for server capability.

    Thanks Barry, poster in another place wanted to use the box to stream to a HD FOX T2, clearly not the box for him.

    | Fri 13 Sep 2013 15:18:49 #4 |
  5. Barry


    senior admin
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    Q. Guide population.

    a. On initial set up when entering Guide PIG will suspend whilst it receives guide data, note this can take some time, but it should only be a one off, unless of course you factory reset.

    Once all guide data is retrieved it is stored on board and updated from which ever transponder you happen to be watching, and/or overnight.

    Note: If recording and guide is entered - N/N should be available for all channels immediately but it takes some time for the unit to retrieve data and populate all of the guide.

    | Fri 13 Sep 2013 16:14:02 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Q. Is there delete confirmation.

    A. Yes for series record timers, ie where you have more then one episode of a programme stored in series folder.

    | Fri 13 Sep 2013 16:15:55 #6 |
  7. Barry


    senior admin
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    Q. Is it possible to record one channel and watch another.

    A. Presently only if the second channel is on the same transponder as the first.

    You can of pause/rewind the second channel, and once the first has finished recording you can then record the second including any content that was buffered.

    Edit: post #1 has been updated to include more HDD I have tried.

    | Thu 19 Sep 2013 11:22:28 #7 |
  8. Barry


    senior admin
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    Connecting a HDD for recording:

    If HDD is initially fat32:

    Via settings, system settings, storage you have the option to assign HDD, what actually happens is the unit reformats to ntfs, you then have to disconnect and reconnect for it to be recognised again and can then assign to record.

    If HDD is initially ext 3:

    Same scenario as if fat32.

    If HDD is initially ntfs:

    You only have to assign it for recording purposes.

    | Mon 30 Sep 2013 13:50:22 #8 |
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    Barry - 1 hour ago  » 
    If HDD is initially ntfs:
    You only have to assign it for recording purposes.

    Interesting. Here on Join Freesat they seem confused...
    I see this quote... "It is worth noting that due to broadcasting copyright restrictions, the USB hard drive will need to be formatted by the receiver to either FAT32 or EXT3"

    | Mon 30 Sep 2013 15:27:02 #9 |
  10. Barry


    senior admin
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    There is at least one more error, eg post #7 in this FAQ is the correct info re record and watch.

    | Mon 30 Sep 2013 16:03:33 #10 |

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