My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S

Misc info (was FAQ) - HB 1000S

(50 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    DiapasonDabbler - 40 minutes ago  » 
    Because I would need to have the LNB uprgaded as it is only a single outlet. By the time all that is done, I would have paid a lot more than the £160 this planned set up would cost. The HB1000s does what I need; I have two other FV recordable devices, so ample scope to record anything I want / catch up etc.

    You can use a Foxsat-hdr using only a single cable. Because both tuners are in use it will be a lot more versatile than the single tuner model.

    You also have to factor in the cost of a suitable HDD. To get a decent size you will likely need to seperarately power the drive.

    I use a 1TB drive with a HD FOX T2 but have a computer USB power saving strip arranged to control the HDD power so the drive boots up with the box and powers down again.

    The new box has the advantage of being smaller than a Foxsat and provides better on demand capability. If neither is an issue then I would seriously consider a Foxsat.

    For example only £30.00 extra gets you a 500GB Foxsat (12month warranty)

    | Tue 8 Oct 2013 8:52:19 #41 |
  2. Barry


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    DiapasonDabbler - 13 hours ago  » 
    Really interested in this model - loads of art programmes for my wife to record & watch. However, quick question. The initial post references HDDs which are compatible, but any of decent size are powered devices. Argos have - - for sale, USB 2.0, but 1TB. Would this be suitable? I am going to order the unit anyway as it seems daft not to, but the sooner I (er, she) can record, the better & I will nip out tomorrow to get the disk if it is OK. I would go for the Humax disk, but at only 160Gb, it seems rather limited. MTIA.

    I'll be trying a WD 1TB portable but not until much later today.

    | Tue 8 Oct 2013 9:55:07 #42 |
  3. Barry


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    DEphead2004 - 16 hours ago  » 
    Grateful for replies but there is defo no clock just a green and red LED on/off as expected. So can someone say what the two modes Power save and Normal do?

    Not a lot: Power consumption in standby is the same, next to nowt, does not even register on my uncalibrated power meter.

    As noted by another member probably left over from porting software from HDR to HB (early versions of HB software even had 2 tuners listed in the signal strength/quality menu)

    | Tue 8 Oct 2013 10:32:29 #43 |
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    "You can use a Foxsat-hdr using only a single cable. Because both tuners are in use it will be a lot more versatile than the single tuner model."

    Thanks for the advice on this alternative - but I ordered the HB1000s yesterday! As said, I have ample flexibility for other recording, but this just completes the set.

    "You also have to factor in the cost of a suitable HDD. To get a decent size you will likely need to seperarately power the drive.
    I use a 1TB drive with a HD FOX T2 but have a computer USB power saving strip arranged to control the HDD power so the drive boots up with the box and powers down again."

    So does a larger hard drive actually draw more power? I had never considered this possibility. The HD-FoxT2 currently runs a 160Gb disc directly from the USB socket with no external power (no need to turn on/off at any adapters etc.) & I was hoping that the HB1000s would do the same with the new drive I was looking at. Just to reiterate, it is a standard USB2 drive.

    "The new box has the advantage of being smaller than a Foxsat and provides better on demand capability. If neither is an issue then I would seriously consider a Foxsat."

    I have the original Foxsat (non-recording), so this purchase is an upgrade to that - and, yes, the catch-up is going to be useful. (Currently only have iPlayer & ITV beta)

    | Tue 8 Oct 2013 12:18:23 #44 |
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    I'll be trying a WD 1TB portable but not until much later today.

    Thanks for this - I may ask Argos to hold it an extra day & take advantage of your experience.

    | Tue 8 Oct 2013 12:20:06 #45 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    DiapasonDabbler - 1 hour ago  » 

    "You can use a Foxsat-hdr using only a single cable. Because both tuners are in use it will be a lot more versatile than the single tuner model."

    Thanks for the advice on this alternative - but I ordered the HB1000s yesterday! As said, I have ample flexibility for other recording, but this just completes the set.
    "You also have to factor in the cost of a suitable HDD. To get a decent size you will likely need to seperarately power the drive.
    I use a 1TB drive with a HD FOX T2 but have a computer USB power saving strip arranged to control the HDD power so the drive boots up with the box and powers down again."

    So does a larger hard drive actually draw more power? I had never considered this possibility. The HD-FoxT2 currently runs a 160Gb disc directly from the USB socket with no external power (no need to turn on/off at any adapters etc.) & I was hoping that the HB1000s would do the same with the new drive I was looking at. Just to reiterate, it is a standard USB2 drive.
    "The new box has the advantage of being smaller than a Foxsat and provides better on demand capability. If neither is an issue then I would seriously consider a Foxsat."

    I have the original Foxsat (non-recording), so this purchase is an upgrade to that - and, yes, the catch-up is going to be useful. (Currently only have iPlayer & ITV beta)

    Yes larger drives usually draw more power, additionally usb3.0 uses more current than usb 2.0.

    It's getting hard to find usb2 drives. I have two 500GB portable drives one is usb 2 and works with a nexus 7 tablet. The other has to powered externally.

    | Tue 8 Oct 2013 13:48:11 #46 |
  7. Barry


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    Have now tested a WD My Passport 1TB portable HDD, straight out of box, checked properties (see picture) connected to HB 1000S, assigned for recording, and working.

    Properties as taken out of box (left the WD software loaded)

    Note this is a USB 3.0 HDD but can be used with a USB 2.0 connection.


    1. WD_Mypassport_1Tb_portable.jpg (59.2 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    | Tue 8 Oct 2013 20:17:12 #47 |
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    Thanks for the update Barry. So are you running it with the USB 3.0 cable straight into the Hummy, or a version 2.0? If the former, how does the power issue work out? (Could you get a screenshot of the power use in <devicemanager/USBcontrollers/device/properties/power>). Incidentally, I managed to find a 750Gb USB2.0 disk which I have ordered, but could well do some juggling - take the hummy 160G drive & reformat as a PC backup disk, put the 750 on the HDFoxT2 & get a 1 or 2 Tb for the HB1000s. Thanks again.

    | Wed 9 Oct 2013 11:38:41 #48 |
  9. Barry


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    Used the USB 3.0 cable straight into HB 1000S:

    Passport is the top line 500mA


    1. Passport_Power.jpg (48.8 KB, 0 downloads) 11 years old
    | Wed 9 Oct 2013 13:58:45 #49 |
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    Oh brilliant! I presume then that the output from the USB socket is 800ma like on the HDFoxT2, in which case, that is ample to run newer USB 3.0 disks. Thanks again.

    | Wed 9 Oct 2013 14:21:33 #50 |

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