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file transfer problem 9200T

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    when I try to make a transfer using humax 1.15-win32 I enter 'x' for file transfer then 'a' to tranfer a video it comes up with 'error retrieving host directory contents for 'C:\humax videos\'!
    However if 'L' is entered in place of 'x' it displays the file list
    thank you in anticipation. Steve

    | Tue 29 Jan 2019 17:01:15 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    stebowden - 13 minutes ago  » 
    when I try to make a transfer using humax 1.15-win32 I enter 'x' for file transfer then 'a' to tranfer a video it comes up with 'error retrieving host directory contents for 'C:\humax videos\'!
    However if 'L' is entered in place of 'x' it displays the file list

    Can I confirm, are you using humaxrw? Are you trying to tansfer a file from the Humax to the PC or PC to Humax? Where are you getting 'a' to transfer a video from?

    | Tue 29 Jan 2019 17:16:09 #2 |
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    new member
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    Posts: 4


    I now seem to have solved the problem. The badly worded error message should be saying unable to find the receiving file in the computer not the host. Once I created a new file in C called humax videos it works. The receiving file was in C:\ my documents so it could not find it. The fact that it would not put up the file list also misleads one into thinking the humax is the problem when it clearly was not. What a brilliant machine the 9150 is. Still going strong on its third HDD drive having worn the previous 2 out and thanks to the brilliant program writers of the transfer file and dead HDD video retrieval program.

    | Wed 30 Jan 2019 11:53:33 #3 |

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