My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

First impressions of the 5000t

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    Well I took delivery of the long awaited 5000t 2TB.It arrived 24 hrs from ordering from Humax Direct.
    I'm so glad I waited for the 5000T model it INSTALLED like A DREAM.
    The unit is exactly as advertised, with all the leads you may need.
    even the Wi-Fi is really good, the router password is case sensitive, but
    once established it locks onto the signal without a problem.
    The picture and sound quality is first class.
    My wife noticed a sound improvement even with poor hearing. the recording schedule works fine upto now. I'll let you know how the other 19 over the next week goes .But So far were Really pleased with our purchase after using a panasonic to tide us over for the last 2 years.
    The remote is good and responsive, but a little bit quirky.
    The Freeview play button has all the settings on it as well as the actual freeview play screen.The LED goes to purple when recording regardless if the machine is on, or in standby.which can be confusing if you want to switch it on,if it is in source your tv to the humax onnection,and press the units on/standby button and wait for about 10-12 seconds, if you don't get the picture come up just press it again for a couple of seconds and be patient as it will come up.
    Finally for now I've noticed the unit can get quite warm to touch when it's on and recording. I'm taking it that that's quite normal for this unit. It seems to me that this is a world apart from the problems on the 4000t . So if you are in 2 minds to upgrade. This little gem is well worth the money. You just be a little bit more adventurous with the remote, as it's all there just waiting for you to get into the swing of the system. But at least it al work's ,and it is so much better than some of the problems posted on here over the 4000t.
    at least the 5000t seems to be starting life at a better starting point.
    than the 4000t did.

    | Wed 18 Oct 2017 19:33:38 #1 |
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    Good to hear a hands on report.

    How long does it take from pressing the 'recordings' button for the actual recordings to appear? My 4000t takes at least 3 seconds for the recordings to appear and the time gets longer the more recordings there are.

    When you stop a playing a recording and it goes back to the screen where you have the option to delete, play etc, do you have to wait for the thumbnail to update to the last watched frame before you can delete the recording?

    You may not be able to answer this one yet, but when you have more than one recording in a series, when you go on to that series does it highlight the first or last recording?

    When you call up the guide does it appear immediately or does it come up in chunks... Mine builds in about four chunks, the main guide, then the channel numbers, then the logos, then the small on demand arrows.


    | Thu 19 Oct 2017 7:15:00 #2 |
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    Hi, the first point, it's fairly instant for the recordings to appear. However as I've yet to record the other programmes I can't say yet if the time lapse get's longer, but I will bear this point in mind for when I'm in a position to do so.
    on the second point, I haven't noticed any time Lapse.
    However, my wife has already used it to record 3 item's and she isn't a techy in any sense. but she would have mentioned anything like that to me.
    On your final point, The guide is fairly instant. Up to a point, that it is by far faster than my previous Panasonic Freeview play recorder was.
    All of the guide hits the screen at the same time.
    I have 2 extra points to make if it is any help.
    My wife has a problem hearing Dialogue when there is a music background
    this is with wearing a hearing aid. So subtitles is very useful.
    In order to use this facility on a recording you press the SUB button once in order to activate it, to use on a live TV programme you have to press it once to bring up the subtitles off flag, then press it again for it to change to on. Then away you go.
    my second point is on my original report I said that to turn on whilst the unit is recording to give it 10-12 seconds between the 2 power button pushes. however it seems to have settled down and 5 or 6 seconds is more like it. I hope I've been of some help.
    As y 5000t has really reinforced my trust in the Humax brand.

    | Thu 19 Oct 2017 8:16:25 #3 |
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    Many thanks for you answers.

    It will be interesting to see how it goes once it has a few more programmes under its belt

    | Thu 19 Oct 2017 9:42:48 #4 |
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    Hi Harters, as promised I can now answer your other point that you made.
    When you have more than 1 episode of a series, on the main recordings page there will be how many episode there are of the series. If you click on the series you will see all the episodes on the Left hand side of the screen including the date it was recorded on, so you can see instantly which one is the oldest. If I remember it goes from the oldest down to the newest with the newest highlighted, So you can use the arrow navigation buttons to highlight which one you want to view, then press ok.
    I hope I've been of some help on this point.
    everything is there in front of you at some point.
    Many of the remarks on the 4000t was there is no info button.
    I've since found a reason why. It's because there is no need for it.
    If you are on the epg and see something you may be interested in.
    Where as before when you pressed the OK button all you got was the recording options and that's all.
    On the 5000t when you press ok, you will still get the recording options to choose.
    However, on the right hand side of the screen you will get the synopsis.
    Thus making the old info button obsolete.

    | Sat 21 Oct 2017 18:27:19 #5 |
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    Hi John1

    Thanks for the extra info.

    Looks like its working just the same as the 4000 with multiple recordings and highlighting the last recording which is really annoying, why would you want to watch the last recording when you haven't watched the previous ones... it should go to the oldest!

    With regard to the no info button, that too works the same way as the 4000, but I don't know about the 5000, but pressing the OK button results in a pause of a second or so before the page you described comes up, like everything on the 4000 it is soooooo sluggish. There is still a need for the info button because if you do the same on a program that is currently being broadcast it switches to that channel instead of just giving you the information.


    | Sat 21 Oct 2017 21:25:16 #6 |
  7. Barry


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    a program that is currently being broadcast it switches to that channel instead of just giving you the information.

    On 5000T the OK button displays info without switching channel as per the list of differences I posted in FAQ.

    | Sat 21 Oct 2017 22:40:38 #7 |
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    Thank you Barry, upto now that point hadn't even entered my mind as I didn't use that particular scenario.
    However, that's very interesting to know, That's what I love about this forum, if there's one person who doesn't have the answer, there's usually someone that comes up with the result.

    | Sun 22 Oct 2017 8:13:47 #8 |
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    Barry - 11 hours ago  » 

    a program that is currently being broadcast it switches to that channel instead of just giving you the information.

    On 5000T the OK button displays info without switching channel as per the list of differences I posted in FAQ.

    That's good to hear

    | Sun 22 Oct 2017 9:57:20 #9 |
  10. Barry


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    One of the other enhancements I like is saved searches.

    | Sun 22 Oct 2017 11:21:12 #10 |

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