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fix/delete epgsave.dat using humaxRW?

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    Hi there;
    Machine was doing the freeze-after-15-seconds-out-of-booting problem. Default routine would fix it for one, two, or several reboots but then the prob would reappear.

    Used humaxcheck and it wouild appear that filesave.dat was damaged, which makes sense, since the machine seemed to be ok presumably until it needed to access/update the epgsave.dat file.

    Tried reinstalling operating software (v.23) but that didn't sort it. Then, rembering that the save-epg-info-to-disk feature was only introduced with v.23, I tried installing v.21 (which doesn't have that feature and would therefore not use epgsave.dat) and as hoped/expected, the freezing prob is gone.

    So the question is, is it possible with humaxrw or any other utility to delete epgsave.dat so that a new installation of v.23 would have to write a fresh one on the disk rather that trying to use the corrupt one?


    | Tue 12 Mar 2013 16:58:03 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    car3107 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Then, rembering that the save-epg-info-to-disk feature was only introduced with v.23, I tried installing v.21 (which doesn't have that feature and would therefore not use epgsave.dat) and as hoped/expected, the freezing prob is gone.
    So the question is, is it possible with humaxrw or any other utility to delete epgsave.dat so that a new installation of v.23 would have to write a fresh one on the disk rather that trying to use the corrupt one?

    Interesting observation. I have notified the humaxrw author (xyz321) of your question. Which Humax box do you have (I am guessing 9200)? If it is a 9200 then you could do it the hard way by using humaxrw to download everything to the PC, format the disk and then upload again. However I would wait and see what xyz321 has to say; there is certainly an undocumented command to delete corrupt buffers which is a similar type of problem.

    | Tue 12 Mar 2013 18:41:36 #2 |
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    I have sent you a PM to enable you to download a beta version of humaxrw. This should enable you to delete 'epgsave.dat'.

    | Tue 12 Mar 2013 21:42:30 #3 |
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    Thanks Martin for passing my post on, and thanks xyz321 for the update to humaxrw. Would have responded sooner but I figured the forum would send an automatic email if/when my post was responded to and it was only by chance that came across this thread again today. Anyway, no problem, the -Z switch did the job exactly as hoped and 9200t works as good as new. Really, really appreciate your work.

    | Thu 11 Apr 2013 0:08:33 #4 |
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    Hi all
    A friend has asked me to see if I could sort out his 9200T problem.
    Machine was doing the freeze-after-15-seconds-out-of-booting problem as mentioned above by car3107.
    Using Humaxcheck appears to show errors on epgsave.dat and I too would like to be able to delete the epgsave.dat file but I would need the beta version of xyz321s humaxrw. This is my first post so I am not sure what the correct procedure is as to how to contact xyz321 but this seemed to be a good place to start.

    | Sun 26 May 2013 16:35:07 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    drpetes - 1 hour ago  » 
    I am not sure what the correct procedure is as to how to contact xyz321 but this seemed to be a good place to start.

    Send him a PM.

    | Sun 26 May 2013 17:46:44 #6 |
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    I have just released version 1.15 which includes the '-Z' option to delete the epgsave.dat file. It is in the usual place.

    | Sun 26 May 2013 20:10:44 #7 |
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    Hi Again,

    Well thank you very much gentlemen for your helpful and speedy advice. Special thanks to xyz321 for providing the tools to sort the problem out. It took a couple of passes to resolve the issue but my mate will be pleased that his recordings are still present and the machine responds to the remote instead of ignoring it. A swift test run appears to show that all is OK but this was my first play with a Humax so he will have to be the final judge. Once again, many thanks.

    | Mon 27 May 2013 15:36:38 #8 |
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    xyz321 - 1 year ago  » 
    I have just released version 1.15 which includes the '-Z' option to delete the epgsave.dat file. It is in the usual place.

    Hi, having dug up my 1.14 version of humaxrw from an old hard disk, it would seem that I now really could use the 1.15 version to delete epgsave.dat. If you could tell me where to find it that would be very helpful.

    Many thanks
    Chris Mann

    | Sat 7 Feb 2015 13:08:20 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    jazzburger - 8 minutes ago  » 

    xyz321 - 1 year ago  » 
    I have just released version 1.15 which includes the '-Z' option to delete the epgsave.dat file. It is in the usual place.

    having dug up my 1.14 version of humaxrw from an old hard disk, it would seem that I now really could use the 1.15 version to delete epgsave.dat. If you could tell me where to find it that would be very helpful.

    PM me your email address and I will send it to you.

    | Sat 7 Feb 2015 13:17:24 #10 |

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