My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Foxsat 1010s clash

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    Unique listener

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    I have an old foxsat and I updated to the 1010s 2 years ago. I have had a lot of freezing problems which resulted in Humax reluctantly replacing the 1010s a couple of months ago. I meant to add that I run both machines on my TV. I now get the 1010s interrupting the Foxsat whilst I am watching a programme or even a recording. This can occur once or as much as six times a night. There is no pattern except that it has occurred at 20.45 on a lot of occasions. The 1010s is switched off and the TV suddenly switches to the 1010s input. I reported it and they said to return it, but I feel that there must be a logical reason. I really don't want to lose all my recordings again as I often find the depth of knowledge at humax customer services to be lacking and is now like an automated response to a very limited set of questions.

    Brian ( email ) as my email address has recently changed

    | Fri 27 Feb 2015 12:36:50 #1 |
  2. -gonzo-


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    Do you have the 1010s paired to the freesat app?
    If so then that's the cause of the problem. 2 solutions are 1) Unpair the Freesat ID on the box which will of course make setting recordings away from home impossible. 2) Disable the HDMI CEC function on your TV which will prevent the HDMI handshake when the box boots up while in standby.

    If your not using the app then do you have any programs set to record on the 1010s at those times of interruption as the box will boot up 15 mins before start time.

    | Fri 27 Feb 2015 13:21:39 #2 |
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    Unique listener - 53 minutes ago  » 
    There is no pattern except that it has occurred at 20.45 on a lot of occasions. The 1010s is switched off and the TV suddenly switches to the 1010s input.

    As gonzo said that's the box waking up 15 minutes before your recording is due to take place at 21.00.

    Mine does similar on occasion and that's with VIERA link and auto HDMI content detection both turned off.

    | Fri 27 Feb 2015 13:40:19 #3 |


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    20:45 could also suggest a recording set for 21:00. With padding set to auto the unit will wake 15 minutes before a scheduled programme and wait for the programme start signal.

    | Sat 28 Feb 2015 6:44:52 #4 |
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    Unique skeleton

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    Thank you Gonzo, Reffub and Repassac. I contacted Humax yesterday and they confirmed that the 1010s is incompatible with HDMI CEC.I asked why I had been advised to return the machine and they admitted that, as I suspected, the information I had received was wrong. You guys should offer them your services as consultants and save them some dosh.

    On a different note, I had terrible problems signing into this site. I may have used a wrong password but there was no offer of getting a new password, so I opened a new name of unique reader with another email address but did not receive a password. I am now Unique skeleton with yet another email address. It would appear that it is a mortal sin on this site to get old and forgetful.

    Ah well, thank you all for your help


    | Wed 4 Mar 2015 18:20:53 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Off topic, and just tested so I know it is working.

    If you enter an incorrect password, an option to recover same is offered, if accepted an email is sent to registered address we have with a link to rest password, if used a new password is generated and sent to member.

    | Wed 4 Mar 2015 18:54:23 #6 |
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    Unique skeleton

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    Thank you Barry


    | Wed 4 Mar 2015 21:55:56 #7 |

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