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Foxsat HDR remote lockup

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    Hello all,
    I know it's a bit of an old box, but has served me well over many years.
    Unfortunately it has started to lockup when setting recordings in 'guide'. When it occurs no functions can be changed either with the remote control or on the front panel, the only fix is to remove power at mains leave a few seconds then repower.
    I would be most grateful to hear if anyone else has seen this problem.

    | Wed 1 Jul 2015 16:54:33 #1 |


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    General advice is to remove power for a lot longer as capacitors take time to discharge. A few minutes at least after the green light on the power supply goes out.

    This will clear some normally saved settings.

    If the unit continues to present such problems then it is a reset to default that is suggested - recordings will be fine but you should take a photo(s) of your schedule as this will be lost.

    Welcome to the forum.

    | Wed 1 Jul 2015 17:08:19 #2 |
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    Thank you for your fast reply.
    I have left it for sometime before repowering, also have formated the drive, plus a factory reset.
    I did wonder whether some of the PSU capacitors are showing their age.

    | Wed 1 Jul 2015 17:17:21 #3 |


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    fedman1 - 4 minutes ago  » 
    Thank you for your fast reply.
    I have left it for sometime before repowering, also have formated the drive, plus a factory reset.
    I did wonder whether some of the PSU capacitors are showing their age.

    Not a known problem on this unit - but I guess these are bought-in power supplies.

    Did you register for the two year warranty?

    | Wed 1 Jul 2015 17:24:01 #4 |
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    REPASSAC - 15 hours ago  » 

    fedman1 - 4 minutes ago  » 
    Thank you for your fast reply.
    I have left it for sometime before repowering, also have formated the drive, plus a factory reset.
    I did wonder whether some of the PSU capacitors are showing their age.

    Not a known problem on this unit - but I guess these are bought-in power supplies.
    Did you register for the two year warranty?

    Thank you for your reply.
    Yes I did register for 2 year warranty, but since the unit is at least 5 years old I think it is well out of any claim.
    Further checking shows that when 'boot' has finished, and guide is selected, sometimes the 'recieving channel info' goes, and background audio appears this after some 30 - 40 seconds. If this happens all works OK, however most times the message stays and no background audio. That's when lockup occurs.

    | Thu 2 Jul 2015 9:29:10 #5 |


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    In a previous reply I confused your problem with another thread (a HDR-1000S thread). Forget my comment re bought in power supplies - it is a Humax board. Take a look at the PSU (Left hand board).

    What signal quality level do you have on channel 999?
    This should have improved in the last few days if you are in the U.K. When you select guide the foxsat tries to reload it's EPG, when it finishes it releases a tuner and you get the sound.

    | Thu 2 Jul 2015 10:53:18 #6 |
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    REPASSAC - 1 hour ago  » 
    In a previous reply I confused your problem with another thread (a HDR-1000S thread). Forget my comment re bought in power supplies - it is a Humax board. Take a look at the PSU (Left hand board).
    What signal quality level do you have on channel 999?
    This should have improved in the last few days if you are in the U.K. When you select guide the foxsat tries to reload it's EPG, when it finishes it releases a tuner and you get the sound.

    Thank you again for your reply.
    I am in the UK, and get a signal / quality of 90-100% on ch 999, both tuners.
    Before diving into the PSU I checked another forum site, and found quite a few threads from years back with similar problems to mine. A workaround suggested by 'Graham' was instead of going directly to 'guide', use Schedule / red. I have tried this and so far no lockup, fingers crossed.
    What puzzles me is why this problem has only just surfaced?

    | Thu 2 Jul 2015 12:34:48 #7 |


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    As the freesat transponder is now UK focused it is possible that for the last two days it may have improved things for you.
    It does seem your problem arises with the EPG update. You do leave your unit in standby overnight (so it can do it's 3:00 am housekeeping)?

    How many lockups since your post #3 yesterday.

    | Thu 2 Jul 2015 13:00:35 #8 |
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    REPASSAC - 2 minutes ago  » 
    As the freesat transponder is now UK focused it is possible that for the last two days it may have improved things for you.
    It does seem your problem arises with the EPG update. You do leave your unit in standby overnight (so it can do it's 3:00 am housekeeping)?
    How many lockups since your post #3 yesterday.

    I permanently leave the box in standby to allow overnight housekeeping.
    I have checked ch 999 in the past and certainly both signal and quality have improved, previously I obtained 70- 80%.
    Since yesterday I've had 3 lockups out of 5 tries to input programmes. Today I have tried using schedule / red, and so far 4 sucessful inputs without lockup.

    | Thu 2 Jul 2015 13:14:40 #9 |


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    Periodically post progress with schedule+red, also if EPG is always up to date.
    At a guess I would say it is probably a hard disk surface problem. The EPG, from memory, is on a separate partition and consequently it would update the same disk area (at least every other update).
    The EPG should also tickle update with using schedule+red but I would imagine that this file is only written to disk when entering standby.

    | Thu 2 Jul 2015 13:52:01 #10 |

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