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Foxsat HDR remote lockup

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    REPASSAC - 9 minutes ago  » 
    Periodically post progress with schedule+red, also if EPG is always up to date.
    At a guess I would say it is probably a hard disk surface problem. The EPG, from memory, is on a separate partition and consequently it would update the same disk area (at least every other update).
    The EPG should also tickle update with using schedule+red but I would imagine that this file is only written to disk when entering standby.

    Thanks again for all your help, I'll try it over the next few days and post any new information.
    Best regards

    | Thu 2 Jul 2015 14:03:34 #11 |
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    Well it has been close to a week now, and using the 'schedule' red route I have had no lockups. Thank you 'repassac' for your assistance, I still find it strange that this problem has only just occured on my Foxsat HDR, after years of selecting 'guide' directly.

    Graham if you see this posting, may I ask if you are aware of the reason for the problem. I noted that at the time it was you who came up with the 'schedule' red idea.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2015 16:26:55 #12 |


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    Will leave Graham to your to your direct question but the number of times you can be in the guide and leave before the sound returns and the file written to disk, is a lot. Each write also increases wear I guess.

    If you are recording the guide functions in the same way as Schedule + Red as a spare tuner is not available.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2015 16:46:00 #13 |
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    I take your point regarding wear on the hard disk when selecting 'guide' directly, that does sound a reasonable possibility.
    Although when it was originally noted as a problem, the Foxsats were only a couple of years old.
    Thanks again.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2015 17:08:39 #14 |


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    It is still well below Segate's Mean Time Between Failures.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2015 18:39:36 #15 |

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