Hi Edwina - welcome to our forum.
The Foxsat-hdr has two ways it can be set to wake up to fully on all by itself.
1 You have a daily watch reservation. Check this by pressing the schedule button the remote. Look for a entry with a blue icon with a daily repeat pattern set to start at the time your box wakes up.
2 You have set a automatic boot up start time. - Check this with Menu - Settings - Time
Look for a Power On setting matching the time your box wakes up.
Other than this the only way the box can wake up is a boot command from the infra-red remote. If the above doesn't identify the issue, cover the front of the box with a piece of cardboard to eliminate another source of infra-red.
If it still wakes up - baffled
Some of us with Foxsat-hdrs wish there was other ways of waking the box remotely (via the internet) because if this was possible we wouldn't have to use one of the above to access the box to set recordings remotely when we aren't at home
| Tue 12 May 2015 18:13:15
#2 |