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Freesat App, Android

(6 posts)
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    While I appreciate that its more complex to compile apps for Android (more phones/versions in the wild) which means this may take longer it would be good to have a timeframe for the Freesat Android app beyond "coming soon", anyone know more about this?

    | Thu 16 Jan 2014 16:32:03 #1 |
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    I agree. We don't want to go down the same route as Sky do we?
    I heard they were working on an Android app. Anybody got any news when that might be available? I'm not sure whether it's Humax or Freesat that would have to do this.

    | Thu 16 Jan 2014 19:14:09 #2 |
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    I think after the problems Humax have gooten themselves into by failing to live up to previous published timescales for updates (4OD springs to mind) they will be very reluctant to hint at target dates in future.

    | Fri 17 Jan 2014 9:47:29 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    Humax not to blame in either case, and app development purely down to freesat.

    | Fri 17 Jan 2014 9:57:32 #4 |
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    it's really not important to people on here who is to blame. Freesat and Humax are developing this box in collaboration with each other. Presumably they discuss things like timescales, they may even have regular update meeting to let one another know how various aspects of the project are progressing. The engineers might even be in contact on a daily basis or even more frequent than that.
    Humax are the only manufacturer producing Freetime boxes so I would imagine the working relationship is quite cosy. As decisions by committee go having only two interested parties must be luxury and certainly easier than having five or six manufacturers all wanting input.
    This is a flagship box from both Hamax and Freesat's point of view and it is in both their interest to make it as good as it possibly can be. For that reason alone I find it difficult to imagine to seperate camps constantly putting the fault on the othe and never the twain shall meet.
    Humax have a fist class reputation in this sphere of technology and have been delivering class leading set top boxes for longer than Freesat have even been in existence. I assume the people at Freesat are well aware of this (it's probably why they decided to have Humax as their partners on this project) and it's difficult to imagine that Humax engineers are not consulted and great weight given to their input on all aspects of development.
    Humax are the company whose reputaion probably swayed the purchaser to go for this particular box and this forum is called Myhumax so I think it's fair to allow people to just expect Humax to be the point of contact and/or blame for the many foibles and shortcomings that this box has.
    To try and apportion blame between the participants in the project is not helpful and it is of little interest to the customer who just expects the service they paid for. Sice Humax is the company in which the cutomer placed his trust it is reasonable to expect Humax to represent the customer and to act as a buffer or go-between with Freesat in regard to the operation of this Humax box.

    | Fri 17 Jan 2014 10:28:45 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    it's really not important to people on here who is to blame.

    In which case why your post #3. You tried to have a dig at Humax but are pointing the finger in the wrong direction.

    Bottom line is if users want updates re android app then freesat need to be contacted not Humax.

    As we cannot answer the question as to when, thread closed.

    | Fri 17 Jan 2014 10:38:06 #6 |

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