Does anyone know if this is in the pipeline or still a pipe dream please?
Also can I get programmes off my old Foxsat HDR onto it or is it a watch up weekend to clear all those programs I thought I was going to watch, but never have?
Does anyone know if this is in the pipeline or still a pipe dream please?
Also can I get programmes off my old Foxsat HDR onto it or is it a watch up weekend to clear all those programs I thought I was going to watch, but never have?
freesat said they were looking at remote record.
They said nothing about phone apps, nor which OS types (and versions) might be supported. I guess we shall have to wait and see.
Think I would design such an app to be html post based then it should be easy for developers to produce apps incorporating them. A web page could them give phone free access as well.
Yes you can copy files off your foxsat via usb (format as NTFS to avoid file size limits).
Directly connected USB mass storage devices on a Foxsat-HDR FAT32/EXT2/EXT3 only. Pretty sure EXT3 is required for proper USB drives (with the spinning bits inside )
You need the Custom Firmware plus Samba or FTP to directly copy to a NTFS volume connected to a PC.
Thanks Graham - overlooked that.
Thanks for the info. Will the EXT3 copy do encrypted files as most of my progs are HD and therefore locked?
Cheers again
Encrypted files will only play on the unit that recorded it. So not even another Foxsat.
Cheers, I will get some pop corn in for the weekend then
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