My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Freesat starts loading but stops before completion

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    I posted this in the wrong forum section so I am posting it again here: -

    HDR-1100S box was new August 2017 and recently began not completing the Freesat launch sequence. When I switch the TV on followed by switching the Humax on I see the initial ‘Freesat’ splash logo and then the screen goes black and stays black. There is no further progress. It does not happen every time but is happening more often.

    Up to now I use the remote to switch Humax and TV both off and then back on again and it works OK the second time but I am concerned it will get to the stage that it will never launch to completion.

    Does anyone know what might be causing this and if it is easy to fix?

    Thank you.

    | Mon 13 Sep 2021 9:29:10 #1 |


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    Suggestion: It might be a timing issue. Try leaving a say another 5 seconds before starting the HDR-1100S. A possibility could also be hard disk problems, logical or physical.

    If it does fail to boot in the future try disconnecting from mains for 5 mins and open the unit. Remove the hard disk power and data connectors and try to boot. If this works then connect the disk to a PC and using the disk controller utility delete all partitions and return to HDR-1100S and reconnect. You will of course have lost your recordings and future schedule but I expect that the HDR-1100S will then format it and hopefully all will return to normal.

    | Mon 13 Sep 2021 11:10:58 #2 |
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    Thanks. I have printed your reply in case I need it in future.

    You mention "hard disk problems": - I believe you are saying that the Humax operating system is not on the hard disk and should boot with the HDD disconnected. It just means that the ability to record is lost while it is disconnected but how will a reformatted HDD fix the OS launch failing to complete if the HDD is not needed except for recording?

    | Mon 13 Sep 2021 11:45:53 #3 |


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    The HDD is constantly used, except while watching on-demand also during boot.
    The timeslip buffer is written to while watching any channel to provide instant pause, back and recording of the cached current programme.

    The hard disk is also accessed during boot to load the recording schedule and other data created on first boot after formatting and later

    The solution does depend on the problem being a logical error.

    | Mon 13 Sep 2021 12:07:07 #4 |
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    Re your comment "Remove the hard disk power and data connectors and try to boot."

    If it fails to boot with the HDD disconnected does this point to a fault with the Humax box and not the HDD?

    Thank you for your time and input.

    | Mon 13 Sep 2021 14:02:16 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Justintime - 36 mins ago  » 
    If it fails to boot with the HDD disconnected does this point to a fault with the Humax box and not the HDD?


    | Mon 13 Sep 2021 14:39:36 #6 |
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    OK. I'll wait now to see if the problem develops.


    | Mon 13 Sep 2021 15:16:31 #7 |

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