My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Freeview plus ITV Hub & Netflix!

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    Hello, I've had a Humax FVP5000T for a number of years and been extremely happy with it. I was however very disappointed when we lost the ITV hub last year. I need to replace it as it has been written off by Currys. I'm considering what I can replace it with. I want to be able to record and watch both Netflix and the ITV hub. The only options I've come up with is to either go for another FVP5000T plus a TV Stick for ITV Hub, or the HUMAX Aura Android with a TV Stick for Netflix. I would welcome any feedback on what would be the best choice for me. I would also welcome recommendations on what TV Stick I should go for in order to be able to watch either Netflix or the ITV Hub. Thank-you.

    | Mon 13 Mar 2023 12:45:54 #1 |
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    Hi Tvfan01,
    welcome to the Humax forum. I'm very surprised that the Humax FVP5000T doesn't update to ITVX. I don't have this model, but I would have thought it would update somehow. Maybe if you do a reboot/factory reset it might install itvX? Not sure.

    With regards USB Sticks, I use an Amazon Firestick 4K & managed to purchase one during Amazon's Primeday half price sale for around £25. You sign up for Prime for 30 days & then cancel before end of trial, but get items cheaper in meantime. The Firestick is more reliable, has loads of Apps, but you do get adverts across the Apps. John L

    | Mon 13 Mar 2023 13:54:51 #2 |
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    Many thanks for your feedback. I have checked with Humax and it appears the only Humax Freeview recorder that support ITVX is the HUMAX Aura Android.

    | Mon 13 Mar 2023 14:23:04 #3 |
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    jdlfreetime - 1 day ago  » 
    welcome to the Humax forum. I'm very surprised that the Humax FVP5000T doesn't update to ITVX. I don't have this model, but I would have thought it would update somehow. Maybe if you do a reboot/factory reset it might install itvX? Not sure.

    No, the 4000T/5000T will not be supporting the new(ish) ITVx.

    See this from November 2022:
    They are specifically mentioned about halfway down the fairly long page under the headline "Devices And Smarts TVs That Won’t Get ITVX:".

    | Tue 14 Mar 2023 22:13:00 #4 |

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