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FTP and SAMBA servers not working

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    I assume ypu realise that the HDR-FOX T2 will only decrypt recordings made on an HDR-FOX T2?

    I should have been more explicit - it is an HD-FOX T2. I have read in another thread on this forum that others have managed to play HD from a 4/5000T on an HD-FOX T2. I have never understood how that would work by the way but always keen to experiment! I have understood from other threads that the encryption/decryption function is tied to the motherboard of the recording device (in my case FVP-5000T) but if others have succeeded it might be worth a shot! I have learned. I think, that 1) the encryption key is unique to each box, and 2) all recordings are encrypted but SD are decrypted by the "owning" box before copying/streaming (I can confirm that SD recordings are playable on my HD-FOX T2). The only way it would work - given my limited knowledge - is for the "client" DLNA HUMAX to be able to access the "source" server encryption key. But as I don't know what the custom firmware plus decrypt add on modules does I am going step by step before I brick something.
    What IP addresses do the FVP and the wireless connected Mac have?

    FVP at; Mac at

    | Fri 31 May 2019 13:03:36 #11 |
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    what make and model the wireless access point is.

    Just to clarify my previous answers were wrong. I should have said Draytek 2862 and Netgear EX3700. I suspect the issue is with the Netgear. Another wireless access point in the house (very old Belkin - a long way from the FVP though) seems to work as I would expect. What I have discovered is that when Mac is connected to Draytek wireless and FVP to Netgear AP I cannot even ping the Netgear nor can I access the web interface of the Netgear. This is not the case with the Belkin. Really weird!

    | Fri 31 May 2019 13:20:27 #12 |


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    Check all Ip addresses are in same network and you are not running more than one DHCP server.

    | Fri 31 May 2019 13:56:39 #13 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    GrahamRHK - 1 hour ago  » 

    I assume ypu realise that the HDR-FOX T2 will only decrypt recordings made on an HDR-FOX T2?

    I should have been more explicit - it is an HD-FOX T2. I have read in another thread on this forum that others have managed to play HD from a 4/5000T on an HD-FOX T2. I have never understood how that would work by the way but always keen to experiment! I have understood from other threads that the encryption/decryption function is tied to the motherboard of the recording device (in my case FVP-5000T) but if others have succeeded it might be worth a shot!

    I think the report you are referring to is from a single user. Interested to hear what you find but when the matter was discussed over at where the custom firmware experts are to be found, nobody believed that the custom firmware would play any part.

    I have learned. I think, that 1) the encryption key is unique to each box, and 2) all recordings are encrypted but SD are decrypted by the "owning" box before copying/streaming (I can confirm that SD recordings are playable on my HD-FOX T2). The only way it would work - given my limited knowledge - is for the "client" DLNA HUMAX to be able to access the "source" server encryption key.

    Access to the DLNA server for HD content is protected by DTCP-IP encryption but the HD-FOX T2 does support it. The unresolved question is whether the FVP-5000T allows access to HD content (it is believed that the FVP-4000T does).

    But as I don't know what the custom firmware plus decrypt add on modules does I am going step by step before I brick something.

    Sounds sensible to me.

    What IP addresses do the FVP and the wireless connected Mac have?

    FVP at; Mac at

    Sorry I am out of ideas; I think you need to ask the question somewhere with specific Netgear EX3700 knowledge.

    | Fri 31 May 2019 14:32:34 #14 |
  5. Foghamshire


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    Hi all

    I don't want to hijack this thread, but I have read it with interest and have similar probs.

    I wonder if some kind-hearted Humax owner might give me a steer in the right direction?

    I too have visibility issues with my Humax FVP5000T. I currently have a Buffalo Linkstation 220 which is behaving well as a home server allowing us to back-up files and store and share music, pictures and videos around the house. Indeed my Humax can also share media from this source, all good so far. But the problem comes to seeing the stuff on the Humax. I have Samba on, FTP on and the server working 00:00 to 23:59. I can see it on an IP scan of our home network, but if I ping it... silence.

    Sadly I can't see the Humax on any of our three smart teles, my PC or even on a OSMac we have in the house.

    All help gratefully received.

    | Tue 4 Jun 2019 8:38:28 #15 |


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    While I don't have a FVP5000T the basic point is that you cannot ping it fron your LAN, you have a problem. What is the IP and subnet masks of the humax, router, linkstation and device you initiated the ping on? Additionally what is the gateway IP of the Humax.

    As you mention the Humax can share media from your linkstation I will presume the connection to the LAN is OK.

    Other information that would be good to have is what OS is the 1PC running and idf recent have you enabled the program and features "SMB File sharing support"?

    | Tue 4 Jun 2019 10:44:04 #16 |
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    I have finally worked out what is wrong here. Basically an odd quirk with the Draytek 2862 router which I am discussing with Draytek tech support. All is now working as expected. Many many thanks to all who have shown an interest in this problem and offered advice.

    | Tue 4 Jun 2019 12:21:09 #17 |

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