I have had an FVP-4000T for around 10 months, it's now running firmware v1.02.13 and on the whole I'm very pleased with it. I've searched the forum for this issue but didn't find anything.
For the first time since owning the box I went away for two weeks and turned off my broadband router. The Humax had a number of series linked recordings scheduled. On returning the Humax had recorded the first week episodes but not the second.
I therefore assumed that the EPG hadn't updated as it couldn't access the Internet, or receive over the air updates as the periodic recordings it made weren't long enough for it to receive an update.
I enquired with Humax Support who have been fairly helpful with previous queries but were inconclusive when I enquired about this.
Does anyone know if the FVP-4000T only updates the EPG data over the Internet or does it get over the air updates?
If it does get over the air updates any suggestions for ensuring reliability, such as setting longer timers?
Many thanks,