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FVP-4000T not working with strong RF signal

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    Posts: 10


    I have a FVP-4000T with, I think, a 2TB internal drive.
    For all sorts of reasons it has been sitting in a drawer for many years, waiting for me to deploy it upstairs in a bedroom, with access to it coming via an H3 to our main AV system downstairs.
    I’m fairly sure I checked it out when I bought it, but I just started to set it up and it is refusing to work with my DTV RF signal. The same signal is distributed through the house by a dedicated TV amp, and is happily driving the bedroom Panasonic TV, the main system Sony TV, a Humax HDR-FOX T2 and a cheap Logitek TV I’m using as a temporary setup monitor.
    I’ve tried to give the 4000T a signal from two different DTV outlets, and on both it just says “The receiver is not receiving a signal, or the signal is too weak”. The 4000T passes through a signal that both the Panasonic and Logitek can use to show interference-free pictures.
    Exactly the same as if the RF in & out leads are disconnected and joined together directly.
    Any ideas why the 4000T might decide the signal is too weak when every other unit I have works fine with the same signal ? Anything I can tweak ?
    I’m happy to open up the unit if needed.

    | Tue 3 May 2022 13:12:21 #1 |
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    Posts: 10


    Just answered my own query.
    It is a bit of a dumb error message.
    It should say “The receiver is not receiving a signal, or the signal is too weak FOR THIS CHANNEL”
    I started playing, and found that when I channel-hopped, it was still working on the QVC shopping channel !

    It turned out that if it was "set" to an old channel no longer transmitted, it gave the misleading error message.
    And they nearly all were...
    All it needed was a full re-tune and it seems all OK.
    Phew, on with the rest of the setup process.

    | Tue 3 May 2022 13:42:49 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    For all sorts of reasons it has been sitting in a drawer for many years, waiting for me to deploy it upstairs in a bedroom, with access to it coming via an H3 to our main AV system downstairs.

    If it has been sitting in a drawer for many years, has it updated to the latest version of the software (1.03.53 21-Jan-2021)?

    | Tue 3 May 2022 13:50:04 #3 |
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    Posts: 10


    >If it has been sitting in a drawer for many years, has it updated to the latest version of the software (1.03.53 21-Jan-2021)?

    I did check that after I got it going (setting up LAN & WiFi) and yes it is, so I plainly tackled it some time after that, got my "negative" screen message & decided I wouldn't be able to "quickly fit it in"

    | Tue 3 May 2022 17:18:42 #4 |

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