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FVP-5000T external HDD

(12 posts)
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    Hi all,

    Couple of observations on playing media from an external usb hdd.

    My setup: FVP-5000T and Transcend Storejet 2TB usb HDD. Previous moved from HDR Fox T2 with custom firmware - great box, only moved as it would not play mkv files.

    1. Rear USB port - recognises USB HDD and can browse folder structure but cannot see ANY files.
    2. Side USB port - seems to work ok.
    3. Folder browsing (side port) is slow.
    4. Grid view of films - is it possible to have the file names scroll?

    Cheers guys.

    | Mon 4 Nov 2019 10:02:39 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    kd25 - 2 hours ago  » 
    My setup: FVP-5000T and Transcend Storejet 2TB usb HDD.

    Please could you tell us how the drive is formatted (FAT32, EXT2/2, NTFS)? For what its worth my FVP sees all the files on a FAT32 USB drive plugged into the rear port.

    | Mon 4 Nov 2019 12:36:35 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    kd25 - 9 hours ago  » 
    Hi all,
    Couple of observations on playing media from an external usb hdd.
    My setup: FVP-5000T and Transcend Storejet 2TB usb HDD. Previous moved from HDR Fox T2 with custom firmware - great box, only moved as it would not play mkv files.
    1. Rear USB port - recognises USB HDD and can browse folder structure but cannot see ANY files.

    Details of Container formats and what video and audio codecs they can contain

    MKV is a video container. Whether the box will play it or not depends on what video compression codec is contained in the container. Changing a .MKV container to a .mp4 is a very fast conversion as the video does not need recoding.

    If you had changed the container from .mkv to .mp4 then your HDR FOX T2 would have played them.

    The container of choice for all Humax boxes is the container used for all UK broadcast sources.

    .TS (transport stream). Freesat 25fps interlaced video Freeview a mixture of 1080 interlaced 50 fields/second or 1080p25

    HD Satellite Video H264/AVC Audio AC3 (aka Dolby Digital 2.0 or 5.1)

    HD Freeview Video H264/AVC Audio AAC (converted on output to HDMI to AC3)

    SD Satellite Video Mpeg2 Audio Mpeg 1 layer 2 (mp2)

    SD Freeview - Video mpeg2 Audio mpeg 1 layer 2

    If your files match the above any Humax box should play them back.

    The 5000T will read ntfs volumes.

    2. Side USB port - seems to work ok.
    3. Folder browsing (side port) is slow.
    4. Grid view of films - is it possible to have the file names scroll?
    Cheers guys.

    | Mon 4 Nov 2019 19:12:57 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    kd25 - 9 hours ago  » 

    MKV is a video container. Whether the box will play it or not depends on what video compression codec is contained in the container. Changing a .MKV container to a .mp4 is a very fast conversion as the video does not need recoding.

    If you had changed the container from .mkv to .mp4 then your HDR FOX T2 would have played them.

    The container of choice for all Humax boxes is the container used for all UK broadcast sources.

    .TS (transport stream). Freesat 25fps interlaced video Freeview a mixture of 1080 interlaced 50 fields/second or 1080p25

    HD Satellite Video H264/AVC Audio AC3 (aka Dolby Digital 2.0 or 5.1)

    HD Freeview Video H264/AVC Audio AAC (converted on output to HDMI to AC3)

    SD Satellite Video Mpeg2 Audio Mpeg 1 layer 2 (mp2)

    SD Freeview - Video mpeg2 Audio mpeg 1 layer 2

    If your files match the above any Humax box should play them back.

    The 5000T will read ntfs volumes.

    24fps content is converted to 60Hz making playback somewhat jerky. Proper support for 24Hz is hard to find. You can do it using an android media server using plex server.

    Comparison of Video containers and what audio and video compression codecs they can use here

    | Mon 4 Nov 2019 19:33:17 #4 |
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    HI, thankyou both for replying so quickly.
    I can confirm the HDD is formatted as FAT32. I should add that the HDD works fine on the older HDR Fox T2. On the newer FVP5000T, both ports see the HDD and can browser the folders but only the side port shows the files within the folders. I would have expected that if the folders are visible, then the files should be too.

    Point noted on the mkv file type just being a container. The older T2 could list the mkv files, just not play them (i'll check the codecs later). Point being thou that no further updates where available for the T2 so unless I recoded the film files, they would never work on the T2. I have tested the same files on the newer 5000T and they seem to play ok.

    Q: Is there a difference between the 2 USB ports on the 5000T?

    Q: number 4 in original post - is there an option to have the file names scroll when in Grid view so I can see the full file name?


    | Mon 4 Nov 2019 21:34:20 #5 |
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    update on the mkv files:

    OK so I checked 7 mkv files on the HDR T2 and only one of them plays. All played ok on the FVP-5000T. It seems like its a codec issue on the T2 - anyway to manually update the codecs on the T2 with those from the 5000T?
    I've attached the file details. Files checked with MediaInfo.


    1. mkv_Files.txt (1.1 KB, 8 downloads) 5 years old
    | Thu 7 Nov 2019 12:59:21 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    kd25 - 52 mins ago  » 
    update on the mkv files:
    OK so I checked 7 mkv files on the HDR T2 and only one of them plays. All played ok on the FVP-5000T. It seems like its a codec issue on the T2 - anyway to manually update the codecs on the T2 with those from the 5000T?
    I've attached the file details. Files checked with MediaInfo.

    Can you select view - Tree on a file that doesn't play when opened in Mediainfo.

    Export the details to a .txt file and post the contents.

    Repeat for the file that does.

    | Thu 7 Nov 2019 13:53:21 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    kd25 - 2 hours ago  » 
    It seems like its a codec issue on the T2 - anyway to manually update the codecs on the T2 with those from the 5000T?

    I think it is very unlikely that could be done.

    | Thu 7 Nov 2019 15:07:58 #8 |
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    grahamlthompson - 5 hours ago  » 

    kd25 - 52 mins ago  » 
    update on the mkv files:
    OK so I checked 7 mkv files on the HDR T2 and only one of them plays. All played ok on the FVP-5000T. It seems like its a codec issue on the T2 - anyway to manually update the codecs on the T2 with those from the 5000T?
    I've attached the file details. Files checked with MediaInfo.

    Can you select view - Tree on a file that doesn't play when opened in Mediainfo.
    Export the details to a .txt file and post the contents.
    Repeat for the file that does.

    Isn't it easier to view it as one CSV to compare the attributes?


    1. MKV.PNG (33.7 KB, 5 downloads) 5 years old
    | Thu 7 Nov 2019 18:56:58 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Luke - 1 hour ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 5 hours ago  » 

    kd25 - 52 mins ago  » 
    update on the mkv files:

    Just need to look at the Video Compression codec and the Audio compression codec details.

    I certainly don't want to try and tell a poster how to create and use .csv files.

    Most can handle a simple text file export,
    OK so I checked 7 mkv files on the HDR T2 and only one of them plays. All played ok on the FVP-5000T. It seems like its a codec issue on the T2 - anyway to manually update the codecs on the T2 with those from the 5000T?
    I've attached the file details. Files checked with MediaInfo.

    Can you select view - Tree on a file that doesn't play when opened in Mediainfo.
    Export the details to a .txt file and post the contents.
    Repeat for the file that does.

    Isn't it easier to view it as one CSV to compare the attributes?

    No Tree view has complete details of the container content in one place. Just need to look at the Video compression codec and any Audio track details.

    I certainly don't expect a non expert to be able to read and compare .csv files.

    Exporting a text file and posting the results is very simple.

    | Thu 7 Nov 2019 20:06:25 #10 |

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