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FVP-5000T Freeview Play Recorder Wi-Fi key length

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    I have recently obtained an FVP-5000T S/N: 63 7108686 01579 Software version UKTFAE 1.03.54 25 May 2022.
    I would like to connect it by Wi-Fi to a router which has a 34-character Wi-Fi key - but it is unable to connect.
    By experimenting with another Wi-Fi device, I have determined that the FVP-5000T limits the key length to 32-characters maximum.
    Is there a workaround, or fix available for this?

    | Sun 5 May 2024 23:12:55 #1 |
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    I imagine that by WiFi Key you are referring to the router SSID. If so, unless it would affect too many other devices, could you edit the SSID to something shorter (eg GeoffNet) using the router's manager?

    | Mon 6 May 2024 16:32:26 #2 |
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    No the key is otherwise known as the password, not the SSID - and in this case they cannot be altered, that is why I had to determine by using another borrowed router, that the FVP-5000T fixes the key (or password) length to 32-characters maximum.
    Note that the spec for a WPA/WPA2 password length is normally 8 to 63 characters in length.
    A friend has also confirmed that the AURA does cope with long passwords - so Humax do know how to do it.

    | Mon 6 May 2024 19:09:21 #3 |
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    Hmm, that is unusual. Normally passwords can be changed, in fact it is usually encouraged.

    | Mon 6 May 2024 21:33:00 #4 |
  5. prking


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    I know this doesn’t help in your case (and it’s odd that the FVP doesn’t accept longer passwords or more modern security protocols) For security reasons it is highly unusual not to be able to change a router password?

    | Mon 6 May 2024 21:34:58 #5 |
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    This is a corporate network, so cannot change the SSID or password/key - hence the question.

    | Tue 7 May 2024 19:28:20 #6 |
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    Regrettably, in that case, I suspect there is probably nothing you can do about the problem. Humax stopped updating the 5000T several years ago and so are very unlikely to do anything about this individual case.

    | Tue 7 May 2024 22:49:24 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    GeoffKurth - 3 hours ago  » 
    This is a corporate network, so cannot change the SSID or password/key - hence the question.

    You could work around the problem by using a WiFi to ethernet bridge such as a TP LINK TL-WA855RE

    | Tue 7 May 2024 23:30:47 #8 |
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    As I expected from replies here, the response from Humax was similar:
    "Hi Geoff,
    Thank you for contacting Humax.
    ​I recommend changing your WIFI password to lesser characters so that the box would allow you to connect successfully. Apologies for this inconvenience.
    Best Regards,
    Humax Customer Support

    For further help please visit or
    Here you will find:
    FAQ's & Product information

    So we seem to be stuck with a 32-character maximum Wi-Fi key/password length on the FVP-5000T (and probably the FVP-4000T too).
    Note that the machine simply ignores any characters entered after the first 32, rather than rolling through the most recent 32 characters.

    | Sat 11 May 2024 23:33:17 #9 |

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