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FVP-5000T + H3 Disappointment

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    Hi All

    I am new to this forum so apologies if this has already been discussed.

    Having cancelled my Sky HD+ subscription last week (long story) I was excited to stumble across Humax's FVP-5000T + H3 combo. I wanted a Freeview Recorder which was capable of live pause, recording, scheduling, multi room abilities, etc. Although this kit kind of does what I want, it is so lacking.

    The FVP-5000T interface looks great and responds quickly but is very jumbled particularly when trying to search for shows and record them. The H3 is very bug ridden. Sometimes it connects straight to my wifi, and sometimes it has to be reminded to connect. The interface is ugly, not at all intuitive, and very inefficient. I would expect to be able to communicate with the FVP-5000T directly, be able to wake it up if it is in standby mode and do all the same things I would on it i.e. delete recording, use 5 On Demand, ITV Hub, etc. Correct me if I'm wrong but I can't see any way of doing any of this.

    I don't understand why it is so expensive when it only delivers a hack of a solution. I do hope there are significant developments in the pipeline otherwise I may have to return the kit due to the fact it is not really fit for purpose!

    | Mon 3 Sep 2018 15:34:47 #1 |


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    I am not a user of any of this kit however, I can answer one point of yours - being able to wakeup the FVP-5000T remotely.

    All PVR's are required to use < 0.5w in standby which is insufficient to keep the network powered only the Infra-red remains on. (Decrypting units like Sky were for some crazy reason exempted for this and only recently introduced a full standby option, which I don't think is the default on new units. Hence the apparent faster boot and higher power consumption).

    | Mon 3 Sep 2018 15:53:30 #2 |
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    Thank you REPASSAC for that explanation, that lack of functionality now makes sense and can be forgiven.

    For anyone else reading this forum, I do hope Humax are working to improve the software/firmware, as the H3 really is buggy. Watching Live TV is almost impossible most days as it's stop start constantly. I daren't use the fast forward option when watching recorded shows as it works once or twice and then rewinds completely to the beginning which is so frustrating. Not being able to pause/rewind Live TV is also very frustrating.

    If anyone from Humax is reading this I would happily volunteer to provide detailed feedback on all of the issues an niggles I currently have, as well as test future releases and provide feedback, if this would be of any benefit?

    | Tue 11 Sep 2018 14:41:13 #3 |
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    There has recently been an update on the H3 firmware to 1.31 but not sure what has changed.

    | Tue 11 Sep 2018 14:50:19 #4 |
  5. RogerB


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    I'm not sure Humax Towers do read this forum to be honest. The Forum Admin. has been known to feed issues "up the line" but he is not an employee of Humax. I think your best bet would be to contact Humax Customer Services directly perhaps using the Support tab in this link and offer to submit a list. I have always found them to be very amenable. R-

    | Tue 11 Sep 2018 14:51:10 #5 |
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    Thanks SSThing and RogerB.

    I believe I have the latest firmware version but I will check.

    I will also try contacting Humax directly.

    Fingers crossed.

    | Tue 11 Sep 2018 16:11:16 #6 |

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