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FVP-5000T sound synchronisation problem

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    Just bought an FVP-5000T, which works fine but there is a significant delay between the sound from the TV speaker and what I hear through my hearing aids via a 'Phonak TV Connector' (Bluetooth) connected to the LG TV optical output. Changing the FVP-5000T lip-sync setting from default 0 ms just makes the delay worse (TV speaker needs to be on for the rest of the family, but of course I hear both).

    Synchronisation of the sound through the hearing aids and externally from the LG TV speaker is perfect when using the TV direct, i.e. FVT is not the signal source. It’s very disconcerting for me to hear unsynchronised sound when using the FVP.

    Does anyone have experience of a delay in the sound from the TV speaker and any other connected device? Thanks for any suggestions how to eliminate the delay.

    | Wed 17 May 2023 10:43:26 #1 |
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    Is there a setting about this in the TV's menus that is specific to the HDMI input you are using? If the speaker is OK, then the FVP appears to be doing what it should.

    | Wed 17 May 2023 15:52:44 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    plasma - 6 hours ago  » 
    Just bought an FVP-5000T, which works fine but there is a significant delay between the sound from the TV speaker and what I hear through my hearing aids via a 'Phonak TV Connector' (Bluetooth) connected to the LG TV optical output. Changing the FVP-5000T lip-sync setting from default 0 ms just makes the delay worse (TV speaker needs to be on for the rest of the family, but of course I hear both).

    What happens if you connect "Phonak TV Connector" direct to the FVP-5000T?

    | Wed 17 May 2023 16:50:47 #3 |
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    junior member
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    Thanks for the suggestions. Not sure exactly which setting did the job (maybe a combination), but the TV speaker and Phonak outputs now appear to be pretty well synchronised.

    I called Humax after posting here, they said to try different FVP5000T audio settings (Freeview>>Settings>>General>>Audio) ... setting ‘S/PDIF’ to stereo and ‘HDMI’ to Dolby with the FVP volume reduced to zero appeared to give much better synchronisation (TV speaker output still working ok and controlled by the TV remote).

    Re A1944’s suggestion, had a look at TV settings and ‘HDMI Input Audio Format’ suggested using ‘PCM’ rather than ‘Bitstream’, quote: ‘When the voice delivered through the HDMI port is not synchronised, set it to PCM’. TV speaker and Phonak again appeared synchronised ok but the FVP volume controls the TV speaker and Phonak sound levels, which seems to work out ok.

    Re Martin’s suggestion, I had thought earlier of trying the Phonak connected direct to the FVP optical output, but the optical socket appeared to be blocked (TV’s is open with no cover) ... looking again I see the FVP’s cover hinges. Haven’t tried connecting the Phonak direct as really need it on the TV, but may try that as a test.

    | Thu 18 May 2023 5:02:30 #4 |

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