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FVP-5000T - Custom Favourite TV Channel Group

(7 posts)
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    Joined: Dec '11
    Posts: 31


    So I have created a custom favourite TV Group (called MY TV).

    When changing channel either either entering the channel number or by using the CH keys, I have noticed the Group reverts back to the default TV one instead.

    Can anyone advise how I can ensure my custom group remains the default at all times?

    I can confirm the channel I changed to was contained in my custom group.

    | Thu 7 Dec 2017 11:59:42 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    See this FAQ on how yo make favourites 'sticky'

    | Thu 7 Dec 2017 12:01:16 #2 |
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    Posts: 31


    Thanks Barry.

    | Thu 7 Dec 2017 12:43:07 #3 |
  4. prove


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    Can this be explained in more detail? The ‘sticky’ instructions don’t work. My FVP5000 always defaults to all channels. EXACTLY what do you do to set a default channel group? Also, is there my way to remove the groups on the player so that only my customised one remains? Many thanks in advance!

    | Sun 18 Sep 2022 20:45:29 #4 |
  5. prove


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    Can this be explained in more detail? The ‘sticky’ instructions don’t work. My FVP5000 always defaults to all channels. EXACTLY what do you do to set a default channel group? Also, is there my way to remove the groups on the player so that only my customised one remains? Many thanks in advance!

    | Sun 18 Sep 2022 20:46:08 #5 |
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    prove - 32 mins ago  » 
    Can this be explained in more detail?

    There is an alternative description in post #9 of another thread

    Also check if you have a power on channel set that is not in your favourite group.

    I don't own a FVP any more but Humax use to have a PVR that if the power setting for standby was et to power saving mode then it would also lose the favourite group selection when powered down. Possibly the 5000T is the same.

    You haven't given much detail. Is the favourite group not sticking at all? Or is it OK for a while then is lost? Or is it OK for a while then is lost the next day that you use it? Also how are you changing channel to attempt to make the group stick and have you checked that the channel you are using is in the target favourites group?

    | Sun 18 Sep 2022 21:30:58 #6 |
  7. prove


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    Posts: 3


    Thanks folks - got it working! Really appreciate your help.

    | Mon 19 Sep 2022 15:13:17 #7 |

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