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FVP4000 - My 2 Cents

(12 posts)
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    Joined: Apr '16
    Posts: 22


    my box is also not recording series I notice that when selecting a series record on some programmers there are only two dates shown on the left hand side and on others it displays all the the relevant dates although this does not seem to stop them vanishing

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 19:43:43 #11 |
  2. Stephenesque


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    T100 - 3 hours ago  » 
    my box is also not recording series I notice that when selecting a series record on some programmers there are only two dates shown on the left hand side and on others it displays all the the relevant dates although this does not seem to stop them vanishing

    Mine only displays the dates which are within the 8 day limit of the EPG which is what I would expect it to do.

    So if for example I set it for a weekly series the day before the series starts it will only show the first episode on the following day and the second the following week.

    For a daily show or a series like Coronation Street it will show all the episodes scheduled for the next 8 days.

    None of this however affects the recordings, it records the whole series in all instances. Except of course when I've pressed OK a second time after deleting a watched episode and accidentally cancelled the series record

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 23:24:52 #12 |

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