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FVP4000 - My 2 Cents

(12 posts)
  1. Chris...K


    Joined: Mar '16
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    I've been using TiVo since it arrived in the UK until I cancelled my virgin media contact a few days ago.
    Decided to buy a FVT 4000 since it was the only other PVR on the market with 3 high definition tuners.

    Here's my 2 cents on the 4000 much as comparison with TiVo

    +++++ pleasantly surprised with picture quality and no artifacts (my wife thinks it looks better)

    +++ very happy with recordings and so far and despite that I record the world I've had no clashes

    - - no trash bin when I delete stuff by accident (twice already)

    - menu text/guide is faaaaaaaaaar too large fit most large screen tv's

    + genre button is great... -but only find few hours result (it should search the whole guide/whole week) -and if you check the detail of any programme you have to start over

    -it defaults to selecting the most recent episodes recorded when most people watch oldest episodes first

    - there is a bug preventing you from selecting many episodes to delete off those episodes scroll of screen.This is exacerbated by the fact that it selected the newest episode by default when it's the oldest episodes that are more likely to be deleted


    When you interrupt a playback recording to watch live TV the back button should take you directly bible to the recording to continue (As per TiVo)

    When a menu is activated the background should be more opaque so you can still watch see/it comfortably (currently so dark there's no point seeing it at all and it might as well be black)

    Remote is already programmed with your TV for on off and av do it should simply operate the actual tv volume instead of adding a pseudo volume

    List view needs to show more than just date it was recorded . It could at least indicate which episodes are part watched or unwatched (Bolden unwatched like emails maybe?)

    | Mon 21 Mar 2016 23:33:26 #1 |
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    Yes my box is very strange, if I have recorded a series, say there are 6 episodes to watch, and just watched episode 1 then I try to delete Episode 1, it deletes episode 3 then 2 if you try again, even though the correct date and episode is highlighted. But for stand alone programs it seems OK. So I have to make sure I have watched the whole series before deleting any, which is a bit of a pain.
    Other wise it seems OK at the moment, just not as good as the 2000T, I don't think except for the WiFi and on demand apps.

    | Tue 22 Mar 2016 11:44:11 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    No problems with deleting the correct episode(s) for me.

    | Tue 22 Mar 2016 12:32:48 #3 |
  4. Chris...K


    Joined: Mar '16
    Posts: 12


    Bill.another problem is that merely highlighting an episode doesn't actually select it
    You have to press OK to actual select
    Which world explain why you keep felting the wrong episode s
    I'm adding that to my list

    bill63 - 6 hours ago  » 
    Yes my box is very strange, if I have recorded a series, say there are 6 episodes to watch, and just watched episode 1 then I try to delete Episode 1, it deletes episode 3 then 2 if you try again, even though the correct date and episode is highlighted. But for stand alone programs it seems OK. So I have to make sure I have watched the whole series before deleting any, which is a bit of a pain.
    Other wise it seems OK at the moment, just not as good as the 2000T, I don't think except for the WiFi and on demand apps.

    | Tue 22 Mar 2016 17:59:29 #4 |
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    Hi Chris, yes I do know what you have to do. I have had this box for nearly 3 months now and it just started doing it. But other than that it still works fine with no other issues. And yes You have to make sure the right date is highlighted as well before pressing OK, then after that make sure its the right information and right episode before selecting delete.
    But sometimes it works OK on deleting series programs, it just the last few times I went to delete an episode that I just watched, and it deleted the wrong one, even though it was the right date and episode highlighted when I pressed OK.

    | Tue 22 Mar 2016 22:31:48 #5 |
  6. viccot


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    I have found the delete problem as well, but after going back to normal TV view and then back into the menu it did then delete.

    I also find that the system is very slow to react to the controller.

    Generally I agree with Chris comments. After the Fox T2 this system seems clumsy.

    | Sat 26 Mar 2016 7:25:28 #6 |
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    See FVP 4000T trial where an improved User Interface is promised ...

    | Sat 2 Apr 2016 10:13:17 #7 |
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    Joined: Apr '16
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    Hi Chris,
    We also currently have a Virgin Media Tivo and I'm looking at the FVP 4000T as a replacement as it is the only one with 3 tuners. Your comments are very useful, but I'm I'm not clear if you are glad that you took the plunge? Bottom line, will I get lots of grief from my wife if we change?!

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 8:25:28 #8 |
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    It's a lovely box ... with quite a few annoying features at the moment which will almost certainly be fixed when the new software HUmax is currently working on is released.

    My major gripe is that finding recorded programmes is difficult when you have many.

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 8:50:17 #9 |
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    Also see First impressions - glitches vs. pro's and especially 1, 2, 6, 10 and 13 in my post.

    | Tue 5 Apr 2016 8:52:31 #10 |

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