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FVP4000T in-store advice surprise

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    JamesB - 4 hours ago  » 
    It's not info though, is it, .

    It's info in that he shared some information with me and I am sharing it with everyone on the Interweb. Whether it's correct or not is a whole different argument, though right or wrong it is still info.

    Well given I don't usually replace items until they drop of the perch, Humax has plenty time to get this one sorted. I also had a look at the Panasonic Free Play whilst I was there and consider this is a genuine option, though it only has two tuners. I was actually reading the blurb on it last night in an effort to find out some info. With our Panasonic HWT 120 Freeview+ one of it's great failings is if you are watching iPlayer when a scheduled recording is due to start, it shuts down the iPlayer until the recording has finished - it is designed to do this and bloody annoying it can be too.

    I was attempting to find out if that issue has now been resolved on the newer models though I drew a blank.

    | Sat 23 Jan 2016 13:59:39 #11 |
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    Barry - 3 hours ago  » 
    Look at other Humax products..
    OK - which other models are FVP compatible?
    Err - what's that, oh none!
    Panny you say, and how much is that?
    Well guv tis your lucky day, usually 40 quid more then the Humax but we have it on special offer at the moment so slightly cheaper.
    Special offer you say, of course you would not be pushing that manufacturer because of the offer/promotion or perhaps maybe you get more commission
    Tell me what is the warranty on panny?
    12 months guv, same as usual for this sort of stuff
    Only 12, The Humax is 24 months if you register the unit with them!

    Well now Barry - not Free View Play - however, I would argue the Freesat/freetime equivalent does just as good a job - if not better given the superior stability. I fully agree it wasn't always thus, though it does now appear to be a pretty good product (if Freesat can keep their coding good).

    | Sat 23 Jan 2016 14:06:58 #12 |
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    ...right or wrong it is still info.

    A risky philosophy, especially in re an utterance by a Currys salesman.

    I also had a look at the Panasonic Free Play whilst I was there and consider this is a genuine option, though it only has two tuners.

    Undoubtedly. And another argument for waiting is that both manufacturers may drop prices or bring out variations. If Humax would bring out a single-tuner version with USB recording, I'd be very interested.

    | Sat 23 Jan 2016 14:19:58 #13 |
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    JamesB - 10 minutes ago  » ...If Humax would bring out a single-tuner version with USB recording, I'd be very interested.

    OK vs Freeview on the TV it gives you a backwards EPG... and that's it. I bought a new Samsung smart TV last year and it has every on-demand player going for my area. So why bother with the box? I'm curious.
    EDIT: OK on 2nd thoughts you can record to USB. That's all I think?

    | Sat 23 Jan 2016 14:33:31 #14 |
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    1. Might be a lot cheaper, thus providing FVP (a sheer indulgence in my case as already amply supplied with Freeview tuners and VoD players ) at a bargain price

    2. I don't like Samsung's clunky interface - though I agree it has plenty of players

    3. New gadget, innit?

    | Sat 23 Jan 2016 15:05:36 #15 |
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    JamesB - 3 hours ago  » ...2. I don't like Samsung's clunky interface - though I agree it has plenty of players...

    Have you looked at the latest version of their 2015 OpSys/UI? Excellent. Equal to or better than the Freetime Home button.

    | Sat 23 Jan 2016 18:31:13 #16 |
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    Interesting. I'll have a look next time I'm in John Lewis.

    | Sat 23 Jan 2016 19:33:05 #17 |
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    JamesB - 1 hour ago  » 
    Interesting. I'll have a look next time I'm in John Lewis.

    Note that to see it at its best you need to populate the "Home" page with your chosen players and other apps, from the catalog of available apps within the OpSys. Once done they pop up, together with an entry for each of your input sources, when you press the "Smart" button on the R/C. Works really well.

    | Sat 23 Jan 2016 20:47:27 #18 |

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