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FVP4000T no power

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    Juan Campos

    new member
    Joined: May '24
    Posts: 1


    I've been given an FVP4000T to repair (I volunteer for my local repair café)
    There's no led power indication. Checking the numerous supply voltages on the pcb I find the 5v standby, 3.3v, 1.5v all good.

    The 1.0v on the underside is also good, but the 1_0v BCM3461 test point on the top of the board is only 0.06v.
    The 4R7 coil near U1600 has 0.0v
    The coil near U4307 is 0.16v

    I don't have a circuit diagram so don't know what the voltages should be, so if anyone has some ideas, I'd be grateful.
    There's a 6 pin smd marked ML5BA which I guess is a v regulator. Any help where to get info on this would be appreciated too, as this is associated with a couple of the coils mentioned above.

    | Thu 23 May 2024 8:27:36 #1 |

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